Mgr. Veronika Macková, Ph.D.
Mgr. Veronika Macková, Ph.D.

- Department of Journalism
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 222 112 279
Rooms: No. H16, Smetanovo nabrezi 6
ResearcherID: U-7976-2018
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2442-4011
Veronika Macková is an academic researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. Previously, she held a position as a journalist at Czech Television, which is why she mainly teaches practical journalism-oriented courses. Her areas of research interest include sports journalism and artificial intelligence journalism. In her academic publications, she focuses mainly on para sports and athletes with a disability. She also belongs to the research team of two international projects as well as several projects supported by the Technical Agency of the Czech Republic. Veronika Macková was also part of the COVID-19 infodemia project, which won three awards. The project became the absolute winner of the tenth annual award of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. COVID-19 infodemia also won the Miloslav Petrusek Prize for presentation 2021 (the project team donated the financial reward associated with it to the endowment fund of the UK for the support of academic researchers from Ukraine) and won the prize in the category Effective planning, research and evaluation of communication in the international competition of media analysts AMEC Awards.
Rok vydání
- Macková V. (2023). Parasportovci očima televizních diváků. Karolinum.
- Čeňková J., Dolanská N., Dolanský P., Géla F., Gillárová K., Halada J., Hejlová D., Ježková T., Kasík P., Končelík J., Kraus J., Lábová A., Lokšík M., Macková V., Maršík J., Moravec V., Němcová Tejkalová A., Osvaldová B., Prázová I., Slanec J., Šimková K., Šmíd M., Štoll M., Trunečka O., Trunečková L., & Turková K. (2023). Slovník žurnalistiky: výklad pojmů a teorie oboru. Karolinum.
Chapters in monographs
- Macková V. (2021). "Everything seemed very complicated": Journalist experiences of covering the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. Olympic and Paralympic Analysis 2020: Mega events, media, and the politics of sport (pp. 54-54).
- Turková K., & Macková V. (2024). The effects and structure of individual forms of disinformation on the population in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic. CEDMO Reports on Disinformation: 2021-2024 (pp. 130-145).
- Macková V., & Nainová V. (2021). Ambice webu Pomáhat médiím a zabraňovat šíření zavádějících informací o koronaviru. Mediažurnál, 4/2021(4), 5-6.
- Macková V., & Mařík R. (2023). A Robotic Reporter Still Lacks Creativity, but It Can Already Replace Human Journalists in Several Areas. Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 15(1-2), 23-37.
- Macková V., Turková K., & Němcová Tejkalová A. (2024). EVOLUTION OF COMMERCIALS FEATURING PARA ATHLETES: FROM FRIEND NEXT DOOR TO EQUAL SPORTS STARS. Communication Today, 15(1), 32-48. UT-WOS link
- Macková V. (2017). Disability is Still a Minority Topic An Interview with Daniel Jackson. Media Studies [online], 11(2), 189-196.
- Macková V., & Trunečka O. (2015). "You don't have a leg? Don't worry, you can still be a star!" Media image of cyclist Jiří Ježek. Communication Today, 6(2), 78-85. UT-WOS link
- Macková V., & Turková K. (2019). 'I Have Won, and I Want to Share It': The Ways Female Skiers Use Facebook as a Communication Tool. Communication Today, 10(1), 94-109. UT-WOS link
- Géla F., & Macková V. (2024). The Other or Visually Almost the Same? A Comparison of the Visual Coverage of Athletes with and without a Disability. Mediální studia, 18(1), 27-50.
- Turková K., Macková V., & Němcová Tejkalová A. (2021). Space for self-expression: communication of Czech female athletes on social media and fansʼ reactions. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Kinanthropologica, 57(2), 147-172.
- Moravec V., Macková V., Sido J., & Ekštein K. (2020). The Robotic Reporter in the Czech News Agency: Automated Journalism and Augmentation in the Newsroom. Communication Today, 11(1), 36-52. UT-WOS link
- Fialová M., Macková V., & Němcová Tejkalová A. (2016). "Yes, I am a racist! So what?" The incompetence of hegemonic discourse of the Czech media to reflect racism in sport. Studia sportiva, 10(1), 59-69.
- Němcová Tejkalová A., Hrbáčková A., Macková V., Trunečka O., & Turková K. (2023). One event, very different interpretations: The case study of the AC Sparta Praha vs. Rangers FC football match coverage in Scottish, nationwide UK, and Czech media. Mediekultur, 39(75), 53-75.
- Wenzel M., Stasiuk-Krajewska K., Macková V., & Turková K. (2024). The penetration of Russian disinformation related to the war in Ukraine: Evidence from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. International Political Science Review, 45(2), 192-208. UT-WOS link