

The photolab provides facilities for teaching photography and rents photographic equipment. It also includes a photolab for processing of black-and-white photography, a studio with interchangeable backgrounds and a library with photographic literature.

The use of photographic techniques and facilities is possible upon the agreement with a professor or assistant. Only students who are enrolled to photographic courses taught at ICSJ are allowed to borrow the equipment. It can be used only for the purposes of university work and tasks. It is strictly forbidden to use the lend equipment from commercial purposes and travel with it outside the Czech Republic.

See a selection of student’s work at Media of ICSJ website.


Reservation form



Smetanovo nábřeží 6
110 00 Prague 1

Borrowing of equipment -⁠ Hollar building, room H010

Darkroom and studio -⁠ Jinonice, building C, floor -1 (must have confirmation to access)


Opening hours

Summer semester 2024/2025

Tuesday 11:30-13:30

Thursday 12:30-14:00

Up to date information on the opening times can be found in the loan form