doc. Nico Carpentier, Ph.D., mimořádný profesor Univerzity Karlovy
doc. Nico Carpentier, Ph.D., mimořádný profesor Univerzity Karlovy
- Centre for Media Studies
Telephone: +420 222 112 231
Rooms: No. H16a, Smetanovo nabrezi 6
ResearcherID: E-9721-2018
Scopus Author ID: 24167976600
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8996-4636
Rok vydání
- Carpentier N. (2017). Mídia e Participação: Um local de luta ideológica democrático. Media XXI - Formalpress.
- Carpentier N. (2017). The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation. Peter Lang Publishing.
- Carpentier N. (2021). Iconoclastic Controversies: A photographic inquiry into antagonistic nationalism. Intellect Books.
- Carpentier N. (2011). Media and participation: a site of ideological-democratic struggle. Intellect.
- Carpentier N., Pavlíčková T., Airaghi G., Bertolotti S., Merckx L., & Akdogan I. (2014). Engagement social, société civile et médias en ligne. Comment les organisations de la société civile peuvent-elles utiliser les médias en ligne pour renforcer l'engagement social des citoyens?. Koning Boudewijnstichting.
- Carpentier N., Pavlíčková T., Airaghi G., Bertolotti S., Merckx L., & Akdogan I. (2014). Sociaal engagement, maatschappelijk middenveld en online media. Hoe kunnen middenveldorganisaties online media gebruiken om het sociaal engagement van burgers te versterken?. Koning Boudewijnstichting.
- Bailey O., Cammaerts B., & Carpentier N. (2012). Media alternatywne. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Chapters in monographs
- Carpentier N. (2018). Foreword - The Era of the Both. Networks, Movements and Technopolitics in Latin America : Critical Analysis and Current Challenges (pp. v-xii).
- Carpentier N. (2019). About Dislocations and Invitations: Deepening the Conceptualization of the Discursive-Material Knot. Discourse, Culture and Organization: Inquiries into Relational Structures of Power (pp. 155-178).
- Carpentier N. (2018). Beyond the ladder of participation: An analytical toolkit for the critical analysis of participatory media processes. Critical Perspectives on Media, Power and Change (pp. 67-85).
- Carpentier N. (2017). Discourse. Keywords for Media Studies (pp. 59-62).
- Carpentier N. (2016). Power as participation's master signifier. The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age (pp. 3-19).
- Carpentier N. (2016). What is a decision? A post-structuralist exploration of the trinity of decidedness, undecidedness and undecidability. Politics, Civil Society and Participation : media and communications in a transforming environment (pp. 87-103).
- Carpentier N. (2016). Différencier accès, interaction et participation. Publics et TIC : confrontations conceptuelles et recherches empiriques (pp. 45-69).
- Carpentier N. (2018). Discourse-theoretical analysis (DTA). The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies (pp. 272-284).
- Carpentier N. (2017). The concept of participation. If they have access and interact, do they really participate?. Performative Citizenship : Public Art, Urban Design, and Political Participation (pp. 25-49).
- Carpentier N. (2018). Diversifying the Other: Antagonism, agonism and the multiplicity of articulations of self and other. Current Perspectives on Communication and Media Research (pp. 145-162).
- Carpentier N. (2017). Critical-cultural theory, media power and a multi-effect reality. International Encyclopedia of Media Effects, Volume II (pp. 276-295).
- Carpentier N. (2018). Studying conflicts in Cyprus : Lessons learned for conflict studies. Cyprus and its conflicts : representations, materialities and cultures (pp. 290-299).
- Carpentier N. (2018). Iconoclastic Controversy in Cyprus : The Problematic Rethinking of a Conflicted Past. Cyprus and its conflicts : representations, materialities and cultures (pp. 25-54).
- Carpentier N., & Jenkins H. (2022). 'What Does God Need with a Starship?': A Conversation About Politics, Participation, and Social Media. The Social Media Debate: Unpacking the Social, Psychological, and Cultural Effects of Social Media (pp. 203-219).
- Carpentier N. (2022). Předmluva k "Vystřihni - nalep". Vystřihni – nalep: Jak post-digitální tisk a ziny vzkřísily papírová média (pp. 7-11).
- Carpentier N., & Doudaki V. (2024). When the margins enter the centre: the documentary Along the borders of Turkey and its YouTube comments as conflicting constructions of europeanity. Creating Europe from the Margins: Mobilities and Racism in Postcolonial Europe (pp. 174-192).
- Carpentier N. (2018). Outside the Comfort Zone: Participation and Advertising. ParticipAD : Participatory Advertising : a global perspective with a Latin American focus (pp. 13-34).
- Carpentier N. (2014). Reality Television's Construction of Ordinary People: Class-Based and Nonelitist Articulations of Ordinary People and Their Discursive Affordances. A Companion to Reality Television (pp. 345-366).
- Carpentier N., & Hannot W. (2019). To be a common hero: The uneasy balance between the ordinary and ordinariness in the subject position of mediated ordinary people in the talk show Jan Publiek. Communication and Discourse Theory : Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group (pp. 225-244).
- Carpentier N. (2019). Media and Participation. Handbook of Communication for Development and Social Change (pp. 1-22).
- Carpentier N., De Cleen B., & Van Brussel L. (2019). Introduction: Discourse Theory, Media and Communication, and the Work of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group. Communication and Discourse Theory : Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group (pp. 1-31).
- Carpentier N. (2019). Putting your relationship to the test: Constructions of fidelity, seduction and participation in Temptation Island. Communication and Discourse Theory : Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group (pp. 113-136).
- Carpentier N. (2012). Preface : Nicolina Montesano Montessori, Hans Schuman, Rob de Lange. Kritische Discoursanalyse. De macht en kracht van taal en tekst. Kritische discoursanalyse: de macht en kracht van taal en tekst (pp. 15-18).
- Carpentier N., & Van Brussel L. (2011). Using Discourse Theory: A Discourse-Theoretical Exploration of the Articulation of Death. Critical Perspectives on the European Mediasphere (pp. 57-68).
- Carpentier N. (2012). Opening-up the black box of participation: a reception study into the conditions of possibility of mediated participatory practices. Media in the Swirl (pp. 155-173).
- Carpentier N. (2013). The participatory organization : Alternative models for organizational structure and leadership. Producing the Internet : Critical perspectives of social media (pp. 63-82).
- Carpentier N. (2013). Quality Discourses. Community Media Articulations of Democratic and Negotiated quality. Past, future and change: Contemporary analysis of evolving media scapes (pp. 237-247).
- Carpentier N. (2013). A Short History of Participation in the Cultural Realm. The Digital Turn : User's Practices and Cultural Transformations (pp. 207-221).
- Carpentier N. (2019). Memorialization, participation and self-representation. Remembering refugeedom in the Cypriot village of Dasaki Achnas. Media and Participation in Post-Migrant Societies (pp. 197-219).
- Carpentier N., & Trioen M. (2019). The particularity of objectivity: A post-structuralist and psychoanalytical reading of the gap between objectivity-as-a-value and objectivity-as-a-practice in the 2003 Iraqi War coverage. Communication and Discourse Theory : Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group (pp. 157-176).
- Carpentier N. (2013). The identity constructions of media professionals. Coping with modernist articulations of the media professional as author and the recognition of difference. Perspectieven op internationale journalistiek (pp. 5-18).
- Carpentier N., Doudaki V., Akbaş A., & Wang T. (2021). Countering the stigma of homeless people: The Swedish street paper "Situation sthlm" as a counter-hegemonic voice for the re-humanization of homeless people. Hate Speech and Polarization in Participatory Society (pp. 179-192).
- Carpentier N. (2011). The ideological model of war: discursive mediations of the Self and the Enemy. Creating destruction : constructing images of violence and genocide (pp. 13-38).
- Carpentier N. (2011). New configurations of the audience?: the challenges of User-Generated Content for audience theory and media participation. The handbook of media audiences (pp. 190-212).
- Carpentier N. (2011). Policy's hubris: power, fantasy and the limits of (global) media policy interventions. The handbook of global media and communication policy (pp. 113-128).
- Carpentier N. (2011). Representing the Past and Present in Dieterle's The Life of Zola. The modern Jewish experience in world cinema (pp. 29-35).
- Carpentier N. (2014). Küre-Yerellesmenin Ayna Görüntüsü Olarak Yerel Ötesi ve Topluluk Medyasi Yerel Ötesiciligi. Kendi Medyani Yarat : Alternatif Medya, Kavramlar, Tartismalar, Örnekler. Cilt 2 (pp. 215-252).
- Carpentier N., Schrøder K., & Hallett L. (2014). Audience / Society Transformations. Audience transformations : Shifting audience positions in late modernity (pp. 1-12).
- Carpentier N. (2014). Participation as a Fantasy: A Psychoanalytical Approach to Power-Sharing Fantasies. Media Practice and Everyday Agency in Europe (pp. 319-330).
- Carpentier N. (2014). Facing the death of the Author : Cultural professional's identity work and the fantasies of control. Democratising the Museum : Reflections on Participatory Technologies (pp. 111-130).
- Carpentier N., Dahlgren P., & Pasquali F. (2014). The democratic (media) revolution : A parallel history of political and media participation. Audience transformations : Shifting audience positions in late modernity (pp. 123-141).
- Carpentier N. (2014). Media Participation (Participatory Communication). Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary (pp. 331-332).
- Carpentier N. (2014). Happily lost in the virtual space? Acces, interaction and participation in an Antwerp virtual arts museum. Democratising the Museum : Reflections on Participatory Technologies (pp. 185-201).
- Carpentier N. (2014). Ethics, killing and dying : The discursive struggle between ethics of war and peace models in the Cypriot independence war of 1955-1959. The social construction of death : Interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 161-184).
- Carpentier N. (2015). Recognizing difference in academia. The sqridge as a metaphor for agonistic interchange. Journalism, representation and the public sphere (pp. 211-226).
- Carpentier N. (2015). Communication Technology and Democracy. The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication (pp. 98-99).
- Carpentier N., Doudaki V., & Christidis Y. (2015). Technological Struggles in Community Media. The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media (pp. 483-493).
- Kramp L., Carpentier N., & Hepp A. (2015). Introduction: Researching the transformation of societal self-understanding. Journalism, representation and the public sphere (pp. 7-17).
- Kramp L., Carpentier N., & Hepp A. (2014). Introduction: Investigating the Everyday Presence of Media. Media Practice and Everyday Agency in Europe (pp. 9-21).
- Van Brussel L., & Carpentier N. (2014). Introduction. The social construction of death : Interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 1-10).
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2021). The articulation of the homeless subject position as subaltern other: A visual analysis of the Greek street paper shedia. Wir und die Anderen : Visuelle Kultur zwischen Aneignung und Ausgrenzung (pp. 222-250).
- Bogaerts J., & Carpentier N. (2012). The Postmodern Challenge to Journalism: Strategies for Constructing a Trustworthy Identity. Rethinking journalism (pp. 60-71).
- Tomanić Trivundža I., & Carpentier N. (2011). Introduction: The intellectual work of the 2011 ECREA European media and communication doctoral Summer School in Ljubljana. Critical Perspectives on the European Mediasphere (pp. 13-21).
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2019). The construction of the homeless in the Greek street paper shedia. Communication as the intersection of the old and the new : The intellectual work of the 2018 European media and communication doctoral summer school (pp. 85-103).
- Lepik K., & Carpentier N. (2019). Articulating the visitor in public knowledge institutions. Communication and Discourse Theory : Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group (pp. 201-224).
- Tomanić Trivundža I., & Carpentier N. (2013). Introduction: The intellectual work of the 2012 ECREA European media and communication doctoral Summer School in Ljubljana. Past, future and change: Contemporary analysis of evolving media scapes (pp. 13-22).
- Christidis Y., & Carpentier N. (2017). Translating an Academic Text into Sound Art: An Experiment with a Communication Studies' Text on Participation. Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement (pp. 207-224).
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2018). Introduction: A multidisciplinary and multiperspectival approach on conflict. Cyprus and its conflicts : representations, materialities and cultures (pp. 1-21).
- Bogaerts J., & Carpentier N. (2019). The postmodern challenge to journalism: Strategies for constructing a trustworthy identity. Communication and Discourse Theory : Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group (pp. 139-156).
- De Cleen B., & Carpentier N. (2019). Contesting the populist claim on 'the people' through popular culture: the 0110 concerts versus the Vlaams Belang. Communication and Discourse Theory : Collected works of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group (pp. 281-306).
- Van Brussel L., & Carpentier N. (2017). Closing the book of life: The hospice discourse and the construction of the dying role: A discourse-theoretical analysis. The Pragmeme of Accommodation: The Case of Interaction around the Event of Death (pp. 375-401).
- Peja L., Murru M., Tosoni S., & Carpentier N. (2018). Introduction: Current perspectives on communication and media research. Current Perspectives on Communication and Media Research (pp. 9-17).
- Carpentier N. (2018). Deconstructing nationalist assemblages: A visual essay on the Greek Cypriot memorials related to two violent conflicts in 20th century Cyprus. Comunicazioni Sociali, 40(1), 33-49.
- Carpentier N., & Doudaki V. (2019). The Construction of the Homeless as a Discursive-Political Struggle: A Discursive-Theoretical Re-reading of the Homeless Subject Position. Filosifija Sociologija, 30(1), 71-79. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N., Doudaki V., Christidis Y., & Köksal F. (2018). De-Naturalizing Antagonistic Nationalism Through an Academic Intervention: The Reception of Two Photography Exhibitions on the Memorialization of the Cyprus Problem. Comunicazioni Sociali, 40(1), 50-67.
- Carpentier N., & Doudaki V. (2018). An Introduction to Power, Multidirectionality and Contingency: Political Struggles Over Representation, Decision-Making and Technology. Comunicazioni Sociali, 40(1), 3-8.
- Carpentier N. (2016). Beyond the Ladder of Participation: An Analytical Toolkit for the Critical Analysis of Participatory Media Processes. Javnost, 23(1), 70-88. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N. (2016). Community Media as Rhizome - Expanding the Research Agenda. Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 1(1), 4-6.
- Carpentier N., & Hroch M. (2024). Introduction: The Construction of the Future of Platforms. Central European Journal of Communication, 17(1), 2-16. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N. (2022). Silencing/Unsilencing Nature: A 'Lupocentric' Remediation of Animal-Nature Relationships. Central European Journal of Communication, 15(1), 92-111. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N. (2022). Akademik Bilgiyi Yazılı Akademik Metnin Ötesine Aktarmak: Demokrasinin Aynalı Sarayı Enstalasyon Deneyinin Otoetnografik Bir Analizi. Yeni Medya [online], 2022(12), 400-420.
- Carpentier N., Melioranski R., Runnel P., & Moreira I. (2022). Discursive-Material Struggles over Legitimate Heroism: A Visual Essay on Floating Signifiers and Their Materiality in the Estonian Second World War Memorialscape. Membrana, 7(1-2), 1-36.
- Carpentier N., Hroch M., Cannizzaro S., Miconi A., & Doudaki V. (2023). Bridging the Discursive and Material Dimensions of Europeanity and Europeanisation: A Participatory Semantic Map Approach. Observatorio, 17(1), 100-132.
- Carpentier N., Moreira I., Melioranski R., & Runnel P. (2023). Palimpsestic Memorializations of World War II: A Visual Essay on Material Displacements and Discursive Struggles in the Estonian Memorialscape. Comunicazioni Sociali, 2023(2), 219-245.
- Carpentier N. (2023). Power & Gardens. Tecmerin, Neuveden(2), nestránkováno.
- Carpentier N., & Dahlgren P. (2013). The social relevance of participatory theory. Comunicazioni Sociali, 35(3), 301-315.
- Carpentier N. (2012). Non basta dire partecipazione. Le condizioni di possibilita delle pratiche partecipative mediate. Comunicazioni Sociali, Neuveden(2), 263-273.
- Carpentier N., & Dahlgren P. (2011). Introduction: Interrogating audiences - Theoretical horizons of participation. CM: časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem = communication management quarterly, 6(21), 7-12.
- Carpentier N. (2011). The concept of participation. If they have access and interact, do they really participate?. CM: časopis za upravljanje komuniciranjem = communication management quarterly, 6(21), 13-36.
- Carpentier N. (2020). Putting a Non-Essentialist Ontology to Work: A Response to Peter Dahlgren's Review of the Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation. Conjunctions, 7(1), 1-12.
- Carpentier N. (2019). Enriching Discourse Theory: The Discursive-Material Knot as a Non-Hierarchical Ontology. Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought [online], 9(2), 369-384.
- Carpentier N. (2012). The concept of participation. If they have access and interact, do they really participate?. Fronteiras - estudos midiáticos, 14(2), 164-177.
- Carpentier N. (2013). Identity, Contingency and Rigidity: The (counter-)hegemonic constructions of the identity of the media professional. Medijska istrazivanja, 19(2), 90-119.
- Carpentier N. (2020). Communicating Academic Knowledge Beyond the Written Academic Text: An Autoethnographic Analysis of the Mirror Palace of Democracy Installation Experiment. International Journal of Communication, 14(Neuveden), 2120-2143. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N., & Van Brussel L. (2012). On the contingency of death: A discourse-theoretical perspective on the construction of death. Critical Discourse Studies, 9(2), 99-115. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N. (2014). The Cypriot web radio MYCYRadio as a participatory mélange : Overcoming dichotomies in the era of web 2.0. Sociologia e Politiche Sociali, 17(2), 91-108.
- Carpentier N. (2012). Discursive structures in the network society: a theoretical case study on the role of immaterial structures in media organisations. Javnost, 19(4), 25-39. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N. (2022). The Dislocation of the Empty Signifier Freedom as a Tool in Global Political Struggles A Case Study on RT's Mini-Series How to Watch the News. Javnost, 29(1), 66-81. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N., Doudaki V., & Rozsypal Pajerová A. (2021). Conflicting and entangled human-nature relationships: A discursive-material analysis of the documentary film Kiruna - A Brand New World. People and Nature [online], 3(6), 1166-1178. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N. (2021). Silencing / Unsilencing Nature: A Participatory Visual Essay on the Right to Flourish. Comunicazioni Sociali, Neuveden(1), 61-70.
- Carpentier N. (2021). Doing justice to the agential material: A reflection on a non-hierarchical repositioning of the discursive and the material. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 112-128. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N., & Sumiala J. (2021). Introduction: Arts-Based Research in Communication and Media Studies. Comunicazioni Sociali, Neuveden(1), 3-10.
- Carpentier N. (2021). The European Assemblage: A Discursive-Material Analysis of European Identity, Europaneity and Europeanisation. Filosifija Sociologija, 32(3), 231-239. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N., & Mylonas Y. (2020). Discourse-theoretical perspectives on class, populism and participation. An interview with Nico Carpentier. Kommunikacii. Media. Dizajn, 5(1), 201-221.
- Carpentier N., & Kejanlıoğlu D. (2020). The Militarization of a Public Debate: A Discourse-Theoretical Analysis of the Construction of War and Peace in Public Debates Surrounding the Books of Three Turkish Military Commanders on the "1974 Cyprus Peace Operation". Revista de Comunicação Dialógica, Neuveden(3), 107-139.
- Carpentier N. (2011). Contextualising author-audience convergences. Cultural Studies, 25(4-5), 517-533. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N. (2011). Encarando a morte do Autor : O trabalho identitário do profissional de cultura e as fantasias de controle. MATRIZes, 4(2), 183-204.
- Carpentier N., & Resmann N. (2011). The "ordinary" on commercial radio and TV: A reception analysis of the subject position of ordinary people in the participatory programs Recht van Antwoord and Zwart of Wit. The Communication Review, 14(1), 1-23.
- Carpentier N., & Dahlgren P. (2014). Histories of media(ted) participation: An introduction. CM, Communication Management Quarterly, 9(30), 7-14.
- Carpentier N. (2014). 'Fuck the clowns from Grease!!' Fantasies of participation and agency in the YouTube comments on a Cypriot Problem documentary. Information Communication and Society, 17(8), 1001-1016. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N. (2014). On Walls, Squares, Bridges and Sqridges : a framework to think about North-South dialogues in communication and media studies. Journal of Latin American Communication Research, 4(1), 12-29.
- Carpentier N. (2014). A call to arms. An essay on the role of the intellectual and the need for producing new imaginaries. Javnost, 21(3), 77-92. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N. (2015). Articulating participation and agonism. A case study on the agonistic re-articulations of the Cyprus Problem in the broadcasts of the community broadcaster MYCYradio. Cyprus Review, 27(1), 129-153.
- Kubíčková V., & Carpentier N. (2016). Re-evaluating the political press. A case study on political, economic and journalistic functioning of the inter-war Czechoslovak party-press newspaper Národní listy, and its Publishing Company the Prague Stock Printery (PAT). Observatorio, 10(2), 1-29.
- Jenkins H., & Carpentier N. (2014). Teoretisanja o intenzitetu participacije: razgovor o participaciji i politici. Media and Communication / Mediji i komunikacije, 1(2), 19-48.
- Hájek R., & Carpentier N. (2015). Alternative mainstream media in the Czech Republic: beyond the dichotomy of alterative and mainstream media. Continuum-Journal Of Media & Cultural Studies, 29(3), 365-382. UT-WOS link
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2019). Critiquing hegemony and fostering alternative ways of thinking about homelessness: The articulation of the homeless subject position in the Greek street paper shedia. Kommunikacii. Media. Dizajn., 4(1), 5-31.
- Kejanlıoğlu D., & Carpentier N. (2019). The Discursive Construction of War and Peace in the Books of Three Turkish Commanders on the "1974 Cyprus Peace Operation". Journal of Cyprus Studies, 20(44), 19-46.
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2021). From stakeholders to joint knowledge production partners: Structuring the participation of non-academic partners in the start-up phase of an academic research project. Conjunctions, 8(1), 3-19.
- Hroch M., & Carpentier N. (2021). Beyond the Meaning of Zines: A Case Study of the Role of Materiality in four Prague-Based Zine Assemblages. Communication Culture & Critique, 14(2), 252-273. UT-WOS link
- Filimonov K., & Carpentier N. (2023). Beyond the state as the 'cold monster': the importance of Russian alternative media in reconfiguring the hegemonic state discourse. Critical Discourse Studies, 20(2), 166-182. UT-WOS link
- Van Brussel L., & Carpentier N. (2012). The discursive construction of the good death and the dying person: A discourse-theoretical analysis of Belgian newspaper articles on medical end-of-life decision making. Journal of Language and Politics, 11(4), 479-499. UT-WOS link
- Nossek H., & Carpentier N. (2019). Community media, their communities and conflict: A mapping analysis of Israeli community broadcasting groups. Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 4(2), 1-13.
- Lepik K., & Carpentier N. (2013). Articulating the visitor in public knowledge institutions. Critical Discourse Studies, 10(2), 136-153. UT-WOS link
- Murru M., & Carpentier N. (2013). Introduction. Academia's values of critique and social relevance. Comunicazioni Sociali, 35(3), 291-295.
- Kopřivová K., Carpentier N., & Doudaki V. (2023). Conceptualization of change. Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, 15(1), 50-61. UT-WOS link
- Moreira I., Carpentier N., Melioranski R., & Runnel P. (2023). A Morte e Vida Dos Monumentos Soviéticos. J–A Jornal Arquitectos, Neuveden(264), 12-23.
- Dağdelen M., & Carpentier N. (2024). The Discursive Construction of Childhood in Three Turkish Children’s Books about the Cyprus Problem. International research in children's literature, 17(2), 144-159. UT-WOS link
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2022). Facebook Groups in Sweden Constructing Sustainability: Resisting Hegemonic Anthropocentrism. Central European Journal of Communication, 15(1), 52-71. UT-WOS link
- Doudaki V., Carpentier N., & Glowacki M. (2022). Mediating Change, Changing Media: Dimensions and Perspectives. Central European Journal of Communication, 15(1), 2-14. UT-WOS link
- Vuković S., & Carpentier N. (2023). The vertical and horizontal dimensions in the social construction of leadership: A case study on the social media followers of the Croatian politicians Zoran Milanovic and Miro Bulj. Leadership, 19(6), 530-548. UT-WOS link
- Hroch M., Carpentier N., Heřmanová M., Malečková D., Janoščík V., & Tremčinský M. (2024). Roundtable discussion: Perspectives on the Futures of Platforms and Democracy. Central European Journal of Communication, 17(1), 125-140.
- Nicoletta G., & Carpentier N. (2022). Shades of technocratic solutionism: A discursive-material political ecology approach to the analysis of the Swedish TV series Hållbart näringsliv ('Sustainable business'). Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 13(2), 117-134. UT-WOS link
- Filimonov K., & Carpentier N. (2022). 'First forced displacements, then slaughter': Discursive regulations of nature by the state and Sami in a Swedish TV documentary. Journal of Language and Politics [online], 21(6), 827-846. UT-WOS link
- Filimonov K., & Carpentier N. (2022). 'How is he entitled to say this ?' Constructing the identities of experts, ordinary people, and presenters in Swedish television series on climate change. Nordicom Review, 43(1), 111-128. UT-WOS link
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2023). A social mapping of Swedish environment-focussed Facebook groups: The principles, methods and implementation of a mapping project. TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, 83(September 2023), UT-WOS link
- Yüksek D., & Carpentier N. (2018). Participatory Contact Zones and Conflict Transformation: The Participatory Intensities of the Cyprus Friendship Program. Conjunctions. Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation, 5(1), 1-21.
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2018). An Introduction to Power, Multidirectionality and Contingency : Political Struggles Over Representation, Decision-Making and Technology. Comunicazioni Sociali, 40(1), 3-8.
- Batistová A., & Carpentier N. (2018). Constructing the Czech nation. A discursive-theoretical analysis of the articulation of the nation in the cultural magazines produced by Czech WWII London exiles. Journal of Language and Politics, 17(6), 713-743. UT-WOS link
- De Cleen B., Goyvaerts J., Carpentier N., Glynos J., Stavrakakis Y., & Trivundza I. (2021). An introduction to the special issue on 'Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice'. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 1-9. UT-WOS link
- Giaccardi C., Bourdon J., Carpentier N., Drotner K., Rena D., & Virginás A. (2020). Learning from the Virus: The Impact of the Pandemic on Communication, Media and Performing Arts Disciplinary Fields: A Round-Table. Comunicazioni Sociali, Neuveden(2), 157-169.
- De Cleen B., Goyvaerts J., Carpentier N., Glynos J., & Stavrakakis Y. (2021). Moving discourse theory forward: A five-track proposal for future research. Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1), 22-46. UT-WOS link
- Allen D., Bailey M., Carpentier N., Fenton N., Jenkins H., Lothian A., Qui J., Schäfer M., & Srinivasan R. (2014). Participations: Dialogues on the Participatory Promise of Contemporary Culture and Politics. International Journal of Communication, Neuveden(8), 1129-1151. UT-WOS link
- Cohen J., Van Landeghem P., Carpentier N., & Deliens L. (2013). Different trends in euthanasia acceptance across Europe: A study of 13 western and 10 central and eastern European countries, 1981-2008. European Journal of Public Health, 23(3), 378-380. UT-WOS link
- Cohen J., Van Landeghem P., Carpentier N., & Deliens L. (2014). Public acceptance of euthanasia in Europe: a survey study in 47 countries. International Journal of Public Health, 59(1), 143-156. UT-WOS link
- Voniati C., Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2018). Mapping Community Media Organisations: A Methodological Reflection. Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 3(1), 17-32.
- Gong P., Chen Y., Zhang J., & Carpentier N. (2021). IAMCR: Understanding, Inclusion and Diversity: Interview with Nico Carpentier, the new President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (in Chinese). Global Journal of Media Studies [online], 8(2), 19-29.
- Gong Z., Chen Y., Xu G., & Carpentier N. (2023). Exploring digital media practices in discourse-material relations: Dialogue with Prof. Nico Carpentier, President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research. Xin Wen Ji Zhe, 483(5), 75-83.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Carpentier N., Dahlgren P., & Pasquali F. (2013). Waves of media democratization: A brief history of contemporary participatory practices in the media sphere. Convergence (pp. 287-294). UT-WOS link
- Jenkins H., & Carpentier N. (2013). Theorizing participatory intensities: A conversation about participation and politics. Convergence (pp. 265-286). UT-WOS link