doc. Vaia Doudaki, D.Phil., Ph.D.
doc. Vaia Doudaki, D.Phil., Ph.D.

- Centre for Media Studies
Telephone: +420 222 112 231
Rooms: No. H16a, Smetanovo nabrezi 6
Scopus Author ID: 55511853600
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6341-9963
Rok vydání
- Doudaki V., & Boubouka A. (2020). Discourses of Legitimation in the News : The Case of the Economic Crisis in Greece. Routledge.
Chapters in monographs
- Doudaki V. (2018). Discourses of Legitimation in the News: The Case of the Cypriot Bailout. Cyprus and its conflicts : representations, materialities and cultures (pp. 142-162).
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2018). Introduction: A multidisciplinary and multiperspectival approach on conflict. Cyprus and its conflicts : representations, materialities and cultures (pp. 1-21).
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2021). The articulation of the homeless subject position as subaltern other: A visual analysis of the Greek street paper shedia. Wir und die Anderen : Visuelle Kultur zwischen Aneignung und Ausgrenzung (pp. 222-250).
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2019). The construction of the homeless in the Greek street paper shedia. Communication as the intersection of the old and the new : The intellectual work of the 2018 European media and communication doctoral summer school (pp. 85-103).
- Doudaki V. (2019). Street Magazines as Communicative Spaces of Inclusion and Solidarity. Respublika! : Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy (pp. 116-121).
- Carpentier N., & Doudaki V. (2024). When the margins enter the centre: the documentary Along the borders of Turkey and its YouTube comments as conflicting constructions of europeanity. Creating Europe from the Margins: Mobilities and Racism in Postcolonial Europe (pp. 174-192).
- Carpentier N., Doudaki V., Akbaş A., & Wang T. (2021). Countering the stigma of homeless people: The Swedish street paper "Situation sthlm" as a counter-hegemonic voice for the re-humanization of homeless people. Hate Speech and Polarization in Participatory Society (pp. 179-192).
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2025). Behind the narratives of climate change denial and rights of nature: Sustainability and the ideological struggle between anthropocentrism and ecocentrism in two radical Facebook groups in Sweden. Journal for Political Ideologies, 30(1), 200-219. UT-WOS link
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2022). Unpacking the Discursive Assemblages of Anthropocentrism and Ecocentrism: Articulations of Space, Place and Time in the Documentary Film Gállok. Interactions (Bristol. Print), 13(1), 7-33.
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2018). An Introduction to Power, Multidirectionality and Contingency : Political Struggles Over Representation, Decision-Making and Technology. Comunicazioni Sociali, 40(1), 3-8.
- Doudaki V. (2018). Heterotopias of Identity in Sex and the City. Polis, Neuveden(17), 5-22.
- Doudaki V., Boubouka A., & Tzalavras C. (2019). Framing the Cypriot financial crisis: In the service of the neoliberal vision. Journalism, 20(2), 349-368. UT-WOS link
- Doudaki V. (2021). Passages (Pasáže) in Prague as Heterotopias of Inclusion and Exclusion. Comunicazioni Sociali, Neuveden(1), 111-119.
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2021). From stakeholders to joint knowledge production partners: Structuring the participation of non-academic partners in the start-up phase of an academic research project. Conjunctions, 8(1), 3-19.
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2022). Facebook Groups in Sweden Constructing Sustainability: Resisting Hegemonic Anthropocentrism. Central European Journal of Communication, 15(1), 52-71. UT-WOS link
- Doudaki V., Carpentier N., & Glowacki M. (2022). Mediating Change, Changing Media: Dimensions and Perspectives. Central European Journal of Communication, 15(1), 2-14. UT-WOS link
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2023). A social mapping of Swedish environment-focussed Facebook groups: The principles, methods and implementation of a mapping project. TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, 83(September 2023), UT-WOS link
- Doudaki V., Gavilán J., Kompatsiaris P., Boshnakova D., & Carlson J. (2024). Techno-pessimistic and techno-optimistic visions of surveillance and resistance in Europe. Central European Journal of Communication, 17(1), 17-37. UT-WOS link
- Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2019). Critiquing hegemony and fostering alternative ways of thinking about homelessness: The articulation of the homeless subject position in the Greek street paper shedia. Kommunikacii. Media. Dizajn., 4(1), 5-31.
- Carpentier N., & Doudaki V. (2024). 'If you don't nurture the nature inside of you, you will eventually die': A discourse-theoretical analysis of the discursive assemblage of ecocentrism and its ethics in the Swedish television series Jordskott. Mediální studia, 18(1), 6-26.
- Carpentier N., Doudaki V., Christidis Y., & Köksal F. (2018). De-Naturalizing Antagonistic Nationalism Through an Academic Intervention: The Reception of Two Photography Exhibitions on the Memorialization of the Cyprus Problem. Comunicazioni Sociali, 40(1), 50-67.
- Carpentier N., & Doudaki V. (2018). An Introduction to Power, Multidirectionality and Contingency: Political Struggles Over Representation, Decision-Making and Technology. Comunicazioni Sociali, 40(1), 3-8.
- Voniati C., Doudaki V., & Carpentier N. (2018). Mapping Community Media Organisations: A Methodological Reflection. Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 3(1), 17-32.
- Carpentier N., & Doudaki V. (2019). The Construction of the Homeless as a Discursive-Political Struggle: A Discursive-Theoretical Re-reading of the Homeless Subject Position. Filosifija Sociologija, 30(1), 71-79. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N., Doudaki V., & Rozsypal Pajerová A. (2021). Conflicting and entangled human-nature relationships: A discursive-material analysis of the documentary film Kiruna - A Brand New World. People and Nature [online], 3(6), 1166-1178. UT-WOS link
- Kopřivová K., Carpentier N., & Doudaki V. (2023). Conceptualization of change. Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, 15(1), 50-61. UT-WOS link
- Carpentier N., Hroch M., Cannizzaro S., Miconi A., & Doudaki V. (2023). Bridging the Discursive and Material Dimensions of Europeanity and Europeanisation: A Participatory Semantic Map Approach. Observatorio, 17(1), 100-132.