doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Jaroslav Švelch, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Jaroslav Švelch, Ph.D.

- Department of Media Studies
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 222 112 167 , +420 251 080 303
Rooms: No. H111, Smetanovo nabrezi 6
ResearcherID: I-6931-2017
Scopus Author ID: 34977638700
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9918-8346
Rok vydání
- Švelch J. (2018). Gaming the Iron Curtain: How Teenagers and Amateurs in Communist Czechoslovakia Claimed the Medium of Computer Games. MIT Press.
- Švelch J. (2023). Jak obehrát železnou oponu: Počítačové hry a participativní kultura v normalizačním Československu. Akropolis.
- Švelch J. (2023). Player vs. Monster: The Making and Breaking of Video Game Monstrosity. The MIT Press.
Chapters in monographs
- Švelch J. (2010). The good, the bad, and the player : the Challenges to Moral Engagement in Single-Player Avatar-Based Video Games. Ethics and game design : a teaching values through play (pp. 52-68).
- Švelch J. (2017). Manic Miner. 100 Greatest Video Game Franchises (pp. 112-113).
- Švelch J. (2012). Text, příběh a stroj: Digitální textualita a textové počítačové hry v Československu 80. let 20. století. V sieti strednej Európy: nielen o elektronickej literatúre (pp. 157-171).
- Švelch J. (2012). Hra pro více hráčů: Herní studia a interdisciplinarita. V sieti strednej európy: nielen o elektronickej literatúre (pp. 125-141).
- Švelch J. (2012). Všechny hry, po kterých toužíte: Neformální systémy distribuce počítačových her v Československu v 80. a 90. letech 20. století. V sieti strednej Európy: nielen o elektronickej literatúre (pp. 143-156).
- Švelch J. (2017). Keeping the Spectrum Alive: Platform Fandom in a Time of Transition. Fans and Videogames: Histories, Fandom, Archives (pp. 57-74).
- Švelch J. (2017). Bobbin Threadbare. 100 Greatest Video Game Characters (pp. 24-26).
- Švelch J. (2010). Selling games by the kilo : using oral history to reconstruct informal economies of computer game distribution in the post-communist environment. Game\Play\Society : contributions to contemporary computer game studies (pp. 265-275).
- Švelch J. (2011). Smyšlené prostory, skutečné technologie: K historii projektů virtuálních světů. Umění a nová média (pp. 97-112).
- Švelch J. (2013). Monsters by the numbers: Controlling monstrosity in video games. Monster culture in the 21st century: a reader (pp. 193-208).
- Švelch J. (2019). Red Stars, Biorhythms, and Circuit Boards: Do-It-Yourself Aesthetics of Computing and Computer Games in Late Socialist Czechoslovakia. The Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures (pp. 1-22).
- Švelch J. (2022). Manic Miners of the World, Unite! How the British Hit Computer Game Got a Second Life in Czechoslovakia. Remapping Cold War Media: Institutions, Infrastructures, Translations (pp. 117-138).
- Švelch J. (2021). Europe (Central and Eastern). Encyclopedia of video games : the culture, technology, and art of gaming (pp. 307-310).
- Švelch J. (2022). Adopting an Orphaned Platform: The Second Life of the Sharp MZ-800 in Czechoslovakia. Perspectives on the European videogame (pp. 91-110).
- Švelch J. (2021). Subversion hinter dem Schutzschild des Fortschritts. Spielen und Schreiben von Computerspielen in den Computerclubs der kommunistischen Tschechoslowakei. Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung 2021 (pp. 267-282).
- Švelch J. (2021). Czech Republic. Encyclopedia of video games : the culture, technology, and art of gaming. Volume I: A-F (pp. 236-238).
- Švelch J. (2022). Power to the Clones : Hardware and Software Bricolage on the Periphery. Abstractions and Embodiments : New Histories of Computing and Society (pp. 208-227).
- Švelch J. (2021). Adventures in Everyday Spaces: Hyperlocal Computer Games in 1980s-1990s Czechoslovakia. Game History and the Local (pp. 17-35).
- Švelch J., Majkowski T., & Bonello Rutter Giappone K. (2021). Ludo-Comedic Consonance: An Introduction to Video Games and Comedy. Video Games and Comedy (pp. 1-31).
- Švelch J. (2021). Promises of the Periphery: Producing Games in the Communist and Transformation-Era Czechoslovakia. Game Production Studies (pp. 237-255).
- Švelch J. (2013). Indiana Jones fights the communist police: Local appropriation of the text adventure genre in the 1980s Czechoslovakia. Gaming Globally : Production, Play, and Place (pp. 163-181).
- Švelch J., & Sherman T. (2018). "I see your garbage": Participatory practices and literacy privilege on "Grammar Nazi" Facebook pages in different sociolinguistic contexts. New Media and Society, 20(7), 2391-2410. UT-WOS link
- Švelch J., & Štětka V. (2016). The coup that flopped: Facebook as a platform for emotional protest. First Monday, 21(1), nestránkováno.
- Švelch J. (2012). Co nám říká hra: Teoretické a metodologické přístupy k počítačové hře jako expresivnímu médiu. Iluminace, 24(2), 33-48.
- Švelch J. (2009). The pleasurable lightness of being: Interface, mediation and meta-narrative in Lucasfilm's Loom. Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture, 3(1), 95-102.
- Švelch J. (2011). Novináři, kteří nepíšou: reprezentace žurnalistiky v počítačových hrách. Komunikace, média, společnost, 1(1), 8-18.
- Švelch J. (2008). Film vs. videohry. Labyrint Revue, 2008(23-24), 207-209.
- Švelch J. (2008). Počítačové hry jako nová média. Mediální studia, 3(1), 8-35.
- Švelch J. (2019). Always Already Monsters: BioShock's (2007) 'Splicers' as Computational Others. Nordlit, Neuveden(42), 257-278.
- Švelch J. (2014). Comedy of Contingency: Making Physical Humor in Video Game Spaces. International Journal of Communication, 8(September), 2530-2552. UT-WOS link
- Švelch J. (2019). This Game Has a Message: Subversive Gaming in 1980s Czechoslovakia. Obieg, Neuveden(12), nestránkováno.
- Švelch J. (2012). Manifesty nezávislých herních vývojářů. Iluminace, 24(2), 107-116.
- Švelch J., & Kouba M. (2020). Indiana Jones Revisits Wenceslas Square : Converting 1980s Czechoslovak Activist Games for Exhibition and Education. ROMchip [online], 2(2), nestránkováno.
- Švelch J. (2020). Benjamin Nicoll: Minor Platforms in Videogame History. ICON. Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology, 25(2), 186-188.
- Švelch J. (2021). Atari Design: Impressions on Coin-Operated Video Game Machines. Technology and Culture, 62(3), 930-931. UT-WOS link
- Švelch J. (2020). Should the Monster Play Fair?: Reception of Artificial Intelligence in Alien: Isolation. Game Studies [online], 20(2), nestránkováno.
- Švelch J., & Vochocová L. (2015). Sociální média jako nová výzva pro výzkum politické participace. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 51(1), 65-87. UT-WOS link
- Švelch J. (2015). Excuse my poor English: language management in English-language online discussion forums. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Neuveden(232), 143-175.
- Švelch J. (2013). Say it with a Computer Game: Hobby Computer Culture and the Non-entertainment Uses of Homebrew Games in the 1980s Czechoslovakia. Game Studies [online], 13(2), nestránkováno.
- Wasiak P., & Švelch J. (2023). Designing Educational and Home Computers in State Socialism: The Polish and Czechoslovak Experience. Journal of Design History, 36(4), 377-393. UT-WOS link
- Šisler V., Švelch J., & Šlerka J. (2017). Video Games and the Asymmetry of Global Cultural Flows: The Game Industry and Game Culture in Iran and the Czech Republic. International Journal of Communication, 11(October), 3857-3879. UT-WOS link
- Švelch J., & Švelch J. (2022). "Definitive playthrough": Behind-the-scenes narratives in let's plays and streaming content by video game voice actors. New Media and Society, 24(5), 1097-1115. UT-WOS link
- Sherman T., & Švelch J. (2015). "Grammar Nazis never sleep": Facebook humor and the management of standard written language. Language Policy, 14(4), 315-334. UT-WOS link
- Švelch J., & Švelch J. (2022). Recasting Life Is Strange: Video Game Voice Acting during the 2016-2017 SAG-AFTRA Strike. Television and New Media, 23(1), 44-60. UT-WOS link
- Fousek Krobová T., Janik J., & Švelch J. (2023). Summoning Ghosts of Post-Soviet Spaces: A Comparative Study of the Horror Games Someday You'll Return and the Medium. Studies in Eastern European Cinema, 14(1), 39-52. UT-WOS link
- Krobová T., Moravec O., & Švelch J. (2015). Dressing Commander Shepard in pink: Queer playing in a heteronormative game culture. Cyberpsychology, 9(3), nestránkováno. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Švelch J. (2013). The delicate art of criticizing a saviour: 'Silent gratitude' and the limits of participation in the evaluation of fan translation. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies (pp. 303-310). UT-WOS link
- Švelch J. (2010). The context of innovation in metaphorical game design : the case of Deus Ex Machina. Exploring the edges of gaming : proceedings of the Vienna Games conference 2008-2009 Future and Reality of Gaming (pp. 303-313).
- Švelch J. (2008). What you can't see is what you don't get: paradigms of game world visualization. Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Future Play : Research, Play, Share (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 03 - 05, 2008) (pp. 212-215).
- Reifová I., & Švelch J. (2013). Shrinking the grand narratives in theorizing participation and new media. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies (pp. 261-264). UT-WOS link
- Bártek T., Miškov J., Švelch J., & Záhora Z. (2015). Introduction. New Perspectives in Game Studies: Proceedings of the Central and European Game Studies Conference Brno 2014 (pp. 5-8). UT-WOS link
Game studies, video game history, language management online, online communities