CEDMO: Journalists, researchers unite against information disorders in Central Europe


CEDMO: Journalists, researchers unite against information disorders in Central Europe

The Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO), a unique multidisciplinary hub that brings together 4 higher education institutions, 1 research institute, 1 technological company and 5 fact checking organisations, launched on February 10th a new website to create a community to debunk misinformation, analyse information disorder trends and raise awareness.

The CEDMO hub is an unprecedented initiative gathering professional fact checkers, researchers, AI specialists and media literacy experts united by a common goal: to provide the public and governments with the necessary means to verify information and counter information disorders in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.

“In mapping out vulnerabilities to disinformation in Central Europe and proposing mitigation by a stronger AI-assisted fact-checking, media literacy education, research and data-based interventions, in CEDMO we aim to strengthen interdisciplinary and international cooperation in order to support regional resilience, social cohesion, wellbeing and democracy in our countries.” Václav Moravec, CEDMO Project Coordinator.

Watch online conference presenting the project and its new website.

More information in the press release.