Representatives of ICSJ met with United Nations Human Rights Council President Federico Villegas


Representatives of ICSJ met with United Nations Human Rights Council President Federico Villegas

The president of the UN HRC Federico Villegas met with some representatives of the civic sector focused on Human Rights including our colleagues from ICSJ projects Central European Digital Media Observatory ( and Promoting Human Rights in the Digital Era (Digitální doba s lidskou tváří) to discuss current global challenges in the area of ​​Human Rights and also to learn first-hand about Human Rights issues of interest to the Czech Republic, such as technology and disinformation, migration, penal policies or the rights of minorities and LGBTIQ+ people, among others.

Ambassador Villegas highlighted the importance of multisectoral collaboration, also including the State and public institutions, and marked as two new issues with growing importance in the field of Human Rights - technology and the environment. He also highlighted the potential of the Czech Republic as a leader in deepening the understanding of the impact of Technologies on Human Rights, such as in the field of Artificial Intelligence, where the Czech Republic aspires to occupy a prominent place in Europe. In a cordial and constructive atmosphere, the President of the UN Human Rights Council was invited to several conferences on these issues to be held in Prague during the Czech EU presidency, including two organized by the above mentioned ISCJ Projects.
