Mgr. Ing. Kateřina Turková, Ph.D.

Mgr. Ing. Kateřina Turková, Ph.D.


  • Department of Journalism

E-mail: ,

Telephone: +420 222 112 256


Rooms: No. H111, Smetanovo nabrezi 6


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0621-5331


Rok vydání


Chapters in monographs


Contributions in the conference proceedings

Sports journalism in the world, Sports marketing, Crossplatform Media Workshop, Work with information, Methodological seminar

2023 onwards: Resilient Media for Democracy in the Digital Age (ReMeD): participation in the HORIZON project

2022 onwards: Cooperatio SPOS: participation in the project Cooperatio, research area “Sport Sciences – Social”

2021 onwards: Central European Media Observatory "CEDMO": participation in the project supported by European Commission, FSS CU as a leading institution

2021 onwards:  TL05000550: participation in the TACR project "Legislativní překážky při zpracování velkých dat ve službách umělé inteligence [Legal Obstacles for Big Data Processing in the Service of Artificial Intelligence]", implemented in cooperation with the Institute of State and Law of the ASCR as the main researcher

2020 onwards: TL03000152: participation in the TACR project "Umělá inteligence, média a právo [Artificial intelligence, media and law (AIMLaw)]", implemented in cooperation with the Institute of State and Law of the ASCR as the main researcher

2019 – 2021: GA UK no. 338119: principal research of the project "Sports Communication on Social Media: Analyzing the Facebook Content of Czech Professional Athletes and the Audience Reactions"

2017 – 2021: PROGRES Q19: participation in the project "Social Science Aspects of the Study of Human Movement II"

2015 – 2021: Specific University Research within the Charles University: participation in the project

2015 – 2021: PROGRES Q18: participation in the project

2016: Internal Grant Agency of the University of Economics: participation in the project "Trends in spatial development in the Czech Republic: Evaluation in the ESIF setting; i.e. cohesion and rural development policy"

sports communication, social media, quantitative research