Mgr. Tereza Ježková, Ph.D.
Mgr. Tereza Ježková, Ph.D.

- Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 728 301 377 , +420 222 112 183
Rooms: No. H107, Smetanovo nabrezi 6
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6031-6726
Tereza Ježková is a PhD graduate of the Department of Media Studies at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. She completed her Bachelor's degree at the Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations, where she worked for several years as an external lecturer - since 2020, she has been working there as an assistant professor. Her focus is on communication in arts and culture. Before joining ICSJ she worked for five years at the National Gallery Prague, where she headed the marketing and PR department and was behind its new visual identity project. Since 2023, she has also been a member of the CU Grant Agency's disciplinary board in the group evaluating philology and media studies. Between 2020 and 2023, in addition to her academic work, she was involved in developing the Institute's PR and communications.
Rok vydání
- Čeňková J., Dolanská N., Dolanský P., Géla F., Gillárová K., Halada J., Hejlová D., Ježková T., Kasík P., Končelík J., Kraus J., Lábová A., Lokšík M., Macková V., Maršík J., Moravec V., Němcová Tejkalová A., Osvaldová B., Prázová I., Slanec J., Šimková K., Šmíd M., Štoll M., Trunečka O., Trunečková L., & Turková K. (2023). Slovník žurnalistiky: výklad pojmů a teorie oboru. Karolinum.
Chapters in monographs
- Ježková T. (2014). Výtvarník redaktor: historie výtvarné avantgardy v časopise Volné směry. České, slovenské a československé dějiny 20. století IX. (pp. 161-167).
- Hejlová D., Koudelková P., Ježková T., Schneiderová S., Klabíková Rábová T., & Konrádová M. (2024). Crisis Communication Challenges in Czech Pandemic Education: Recommendations for Strategic Communication in the Public Sector. COMMUNICATION IN UNCERTAIN TIMES: HOW ORGANIZATIONS DEAL WITH ISSUES, RISKS AND CRISES (pp. 109-125).
- Ježková T. (2015). Fine Arts as Means for Studying Media History. Kultura [online], 5(10), 114-121.
- Ježková T. (2018). Jak se četly noviny: vývoj čtenářského portrétu v českém výtvarném umění. Mediální studia [online], 2018(1), 66-85.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Ježková T., & Klabíková Rábová T. (2021). New in Covid: Variations of Newness in Media Reception of Czech Cultural Events. Marketing Identity: New changes, new challenges (pp. 269-276).
- Hejlová D., Ježková T., Klabíková Rábová T., Konrádová M., Koudelková P., & Schneiderová S. (2022). Engaging Teachers through Effective Communication : Restarting the Government Communication in Education. Reboot: Should Organizations Rediscover Communication with Internal & External Stakeholders? (pp. 193-203).
JKB126 Art Marketing; JKB143 Art Marketing II; JKB018 Creative Thinking; JKB014 Digital Communication; JKB109 Project of IKSŽ - Media and marketing practise I; JKB162 Project of IKSŽ - Media and marketing practise II
Marketing, marketing communication and PR in a cultural institution
Research Meets Practice: Visual Communication and PR in Cultural Institutions (4EU+/22/F3/24), cooperation withih the 4EU+ alliance, supported by minigrant for 4EU+ projects in 2022
Security Research Programme of the Czech Republic in the years 2015-2022. State's Strategic Crisis Communication Readiness: Lessons Learned from COVID-19. 2021–2022
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. Communication Research of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in Relation to Different Groups of Stakeholders. 2020-2022
Marketing and PR in arts and culture, relationship between media history and art history, visual culture