Mgr. Marcela Konrádová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Marcela Konrádová, Ph.D.

- Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations
E-mail: ,
Rooms: No. H109, Smetanovo nabrezi 6
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5370-7144
Rok vydání
Chapters in monographs
- Shavit A., Konrádová M., Raycheva L., Tomov M., Velinova N., Vicenova R., & Plenta P. (2022). Between Euroscepticism and Euro-optimism in Newer EU Member States. The 2019 European Electoral Campaign (pp. 321-345).
- Shavit A., & Konrádová M. (2021). Government Communication in Kafka COVID Time. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs (pp. nestránkováno).
- Shavit A., Konrádová M., & Koudelková P. (2024). Practitioner Reflections on Managing Political Parties in the Czech Republic. Political Management in Practice: Lessons from around the Globe (pp. 202-216).
- Shavit A., & Konrádová M. (2024). Czech Republic. Europe Votes: Party Campaigning in European Parliamentary Elections 1979-2019 (pp. 136-148).
- Hejlová D., Koudelková P., Ježková T., Schneiderová S., Klabíková Rábová T., & Konrádová M. (2024). Crisis Communication Challenges in Czech Pandemic Education: Recommendations for Strategic Communication in the Public Sector. COMMUNICATION IN UNCERTAIN TIMES: HOW ORGANIZATIONS DEAL WITH ISSUES, RISKS AND CRISES (pp. 109-125).
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Hejlová D., Ježková T., Klabíková Rábová T., Konrádová M., Koudelková P., & Schneiderová S. (2022). Engaging Teachers through Effective Communication : Restarting the Government Communication in Education. Reboot: Should Organizations Rediscover Communication with Internal & External Stakeholders? (pp. 193-203).