PhDr. Lenka Vochocová, Ph.D.
PhDr. Lenka Vochocová, Ph.D.

- Department of Media Studies
E-mail: , ,
Telephone: +420 774 922 137
Rooms: No. H111a, Smetanovo nabrezi 6
ResearcherID: E-9790-2018
Scopus Author ID: 56737070700
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9873-4536
Rok vydání
- Vochocová L. (2019). Ženy (a muži) ve zpravodajských redakcích : mediální instituce pohledem genderových mediálních studií. Karolinum.
- Vochocová L., Rosenfeldová J., Zápotocký J., Průchová Hrůzová A., Fousek Krobová T., & Prokop D. (2021). Na moři, za plotem, na síti. Digitální média a debata o migraci v Česku. Kniha Zlin.
Chapters in monographs
- Vochocová L. (2013). Mediální studia. Kritická teorie společnosti: český kontext (pp. 467-496).
- Nečas V., & Vochocová L. (2010). Média a politika: zahraniční zpravodajství českých médií. Česká zahraniční politika v roce 2009 (pp. 41-58).
- Nečas V., & Vochocová L. (2010). Media context of the Czech foreign policy. Czech foreign policy in 2007-2009 (pp. 40-59).
- Stanyer J., Salgado S., Bobba G., Hajzer G., Hopmann D., Hubé N., Merkovity N., Ozerim G., Papathanassopoulos S., Sanders K., Spasojevic D., & Vochocová L. (2019). Journalists' Perceptions of Populism and the Media : A Cross-National Study Based on Semi-Structured Interviews. Communicating Populism : Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe (pp. 34-50).
- Vochocová L. (2023). Singled Out and Mocked: Intersection of (Hetero)Sexism and Ableism and Mobilization of Anti-Discourses in Online Hatred towards Hypervisibilized Youth Activists. Women's Studies in Communication, 46(4), 415-432. UT-WOS link
- Vochocová L. (2018). Witty divas, nice mothers and tough girls in a sexist world: experiences and strategies of female influencers in online political debates. Media, Culture and Society, 40(4), 535-550. UT-WOS link
- Vochocová L., Mazák J., & Štětka V. (2016). Nic pro holky? Genderové nerovnosti v politické participaci na sociálních sítích. Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum, 17(2), 64-75.
- Vochocová L. (2008). Ženy ve zpravodajských redakcích : falešné naděje na dobytí maskulinní pevnosti. Mediální studia, 3(2), 130-153.
- Vochocová L. (2008). Women in newsrooms : idle hopes for the conquest of the masculine fortress. Mediální studia, 3(3), 231-256.
- Vochocová L., & Rosenfeldová J. (2019). Ridiculed, but safe: What e-mothers' discussion on migration tells us about the potential of 'third spaces' for the political communication of women. European Journal of Communication, 34(2), 142-158. UT-WOS link
- Vochocová L. (2021). 'Frustrated women invite the immigrants to Europe': Intersection of (xeno-) racism and sexism in online discussions on gender aspects of immigration. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 24(1), 333-349. UT-WOS link
- Vochocová L., & Rosenfeldová J. (2023). The EU as a weak and authoritative traitor: signs of post-socialist ressentiment and populist rhetoric in online civic anti-European discourses. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(3), 916-928. UT-WOS link
- Vochocová L., Numerato D., & Sedláčková T. (2022). Opting for Polarizing Emotions: Strategies of Czech Pro-Vaccination Discussants in the Emotionalized Public Sphere and Debate on a Measles Epidemic. International Journal of Communication [online], 16(2022), 1006-1026. UT-WOS link
- Vochocová L., Rosenfeldová J., Vancsó A., & Neag A. (2024). Soros’s soldiers, slackers, and pioneers with no expertise? Discursive exclusion of environmental youth activists from the digital public sphere in Hungary and Czechia. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 21(1), 69-83. UT-WOS link
- Vochocová L., Štětka V., & Mazák J. (2016). Good girls don't comment on politics? Gendered character of online political participation in the Czech Republic. Information Communication and Society, 19(10), 1321-1339. UT-WOS link
- Rosenfeldová J., & Vochocová L. (2024). Visible Beyond Control? Fragmented Attention and Hypervisibility Trap in the Online Media Coverage of Politically Active Youth. International Journal of Communication, 18(November 2024), 5405-5424. UT-WOS link
- Křeček J., & Vochocová L. (2009). Red danger before elections : trick or threat?. Central European Journal of Communication, 2(2), 307-318.
- Nečas V., & Vochocová L. (2014). Česká média a zahraniční politika: v hradním stínu a zajetí emocí. Středoevropské politické studie (Central European Political Studies Review.), 16(2-3), 137-159.
- Rosenfeldová J., & Vochocová L. (2022). 'Untouched by your Do-gooder Propaganda' : How Online User Comments Challenge the Journalistic Framing of the Immigration Crisis. Central European Journal of Communication, 15(2), 227-245. UT-WOS link
- Štětka V., & Vochocová L. (2014). A dialogue of the deaf, or communities of debate? The use of Facebook in the 2013 Czech Parliamentary Elections campaign. Teorija in Praksa, 51(6), 1361-1380.
- Švelch J., & Vochocová L. (2015). Sociální média jako nová výzva pro výzkum politické participace. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 51(1), 65-87. UT-WOS link
- Numerato D., Vochocová L., Štětka V., & Macková A. (2019). The vaccination debate in the "post-truth" era: social media as sites of multi-layered reflexivity. Sociology of Health and Illness, 41(Supplement 1), 82-97. UT-WOS link
- Štětka V., Mazák J., & Vochocová L. (2021). "Nobody Tells us What to Write about": the Disinformation Media Ecosystem and Its Consumers in the Czech Republic. Javnost, 28(1), 90-109. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
2022 onwards: researcher, member of SYRI team, NPO "Systemic Risk Institute" number LX22NPO5101, funded by European Union - Next Generation EU (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, NPO: EXCELES)
2022 onwards: researcher, member of the team conducting research project 22-34744S “Re-articulation of a Totalitarian Past and Polarization of Society: Local Forms of International Emancipatory Movements and Their Reception Online” (GAČR – Czech Science Foundation)
2022 onwards: MC member of the COST Action CA21129 – What Are Opinions? Integrating Theory and Methods for Automatically Analyzing Opinionated Communication (OPINION)
2021 onwards: researcher, member of the team conducting research project 21-28556S “The role of online media in constructing, negotiating, and practicing children’s active citizenship” (GAČR – Czech Science Foundation)
2021–2023: researcher, member of the team conducting Primus research project “Children and youth digital civic engagement in a globalised world”
2017–2019: principal investigator of the team conducting research project 17-17085S “Dynamics and forms of citizen online participation in the Czech Republic in response to the European migration crisis” (GAČR – Czech Science Foundation)
2017–2019: substitute member of the COST Action IS1308 – Populist Political Communication in Europe
2017–2019: researcher, member of the team conducting research project 17-01116S “Civic engagement and the politics of health care” (GAČR – Czech Science Foundation)
2013–2016: member of the team conducting an awarded research project “The role of social media in transformation of political communication and citizen participation in the Czech Republic” (GAČR – Czech Science Foundation)
2015–2016: participating in “Media Pluralism Monitor” project organised by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), European University Institute, Florence, Italy
2013–2014: participating in COST Action IS0906 “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies“
Online political participation, gender media studies, political economy of communication, public sphere theories
online political participation, e-expression, gender media studies, political economy of communication, public sphere theories