Mgr. Anna Shavit, Ph.D.
Mgr. Anna Shavit, Ph.D.

- Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 222 112 268 , +420 222 112 131
Rooms: No. H109, Smetanovo nabrezi 6
Scopus Author ID: 57195616644
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8943-2237
Rok vydání
Chapters in monographs
- Shavit A., & Konrádová M. (2024). Czech Republic. Europe Votes: Party Campaigning in European Parliamentary Elections 1979-2019 (pp. 136-148).
- Shavit A., Konrádová M., & Koudelková P. (2024). Practitioner Reflections on Managing Political Parties in the Czech Republic. Political Management in Practice: Lessons from around the Globe (pp. 202-216).
- Matušková A. (2012). Politický marketing: kořeny disciplíny. Teorie a metody politického marketingu (pp. 9-27).
- Shavit A., Rosenfeldová J., & Pečenková M. (2019). National reports: Czech Republic. 2019 European Elections campaign (pp. 77-83).
- Shavit A., & Konrádová M. (2021). Government Communication in Kafka COVID Time. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs (pp. nestránkováno).
- Shavit A., Konrádová M., Raycheva L., Tomov M., Velinova N., Vicenova R., & Plenta P. (2022). Between Euroscepticism and Euro-optimism in Newer EU Member States. The 2019 European Electoral Campaign (pp. 321-345).
- Jirák J., & Shavit A. (2017). The Role of Political Advertising in the Czech Republic. Routledge Handbook of Political Advertising (pp. 113-122).
- Gregor M., & Matušková A. (2014). The presidential election in the Czech Republic : a case study of Karel Schwarzenberg's campaign strategy. Political Marketing : Principles and Applications (pp. 191-193).
- Soukeník Š., Gregor M., & Matušková A. (2017). Lobbying in the Czech Republic - lack of regulations, professionalism and understanding of the discipline. Lobbying in Europe : Public Affairs and the Lobbying Industry in 28 EU Countries (pp. 103-111).
- Kasl Kollmannová D., & Matušková A. (2013). Public Affairs v České republice: Současný stav oboru. Politologický časopis, 20(4), 469-482.
- Kasl Kollmannová D., & Matušková A. (2014). Public affairs in the Czech Republic: an exploratory study of the current situation. Journal of Public Affairs, 14(1), 54-66.
- Gregor M., & Matušková A. (2014). Electoral Campaigns and Marketing Strategy : The Case Study of the Karel Schwarzenberg Campaign. Czech Journal of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, 3(4), 24-30.
- Ihlen Ø., Valentini C., Davidson S., & Shavit A. (2020). Lobbying, the public interest, and democracy: Communication perspectives. Journal of Public Affairs, 20(2), 1-5. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Matušková A., & Koudelková P. (2015). Přibližování politiky a business sféry: podobnosti, příležitosti a etické problémy (explorativní studie). Acta Moralia Tyrnaviensia V : Socálne idey a spravodlivosť (pp. 190-200).
Campaigns and Propaganda, Theory of Electoral Campaign, Practices of Electoral Campaign, Government and Institutional Communication, Political Marketing, Political Strategy
Political Leadership and Electoral Campaigning
Analysis of Electoral Campaign - Selected Case Study
The Influence of Political Marketing in Electoral Campaigning
Political Marketing, Political Parties, Government Communications, Electoral Campaigns, Strategic Communications