Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations will organize the international conference EUPRERA 2023

Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations will organize the international conference EUPRERA 2023

We are pleased to invite you in Prague for the EUPRERA XXIV annual congress, on September 20-23, 2023. The congress is organized by the Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations and will deal with the theme "Responsible Communication or Communicating Responsibility?".

Since corporate social responsibility became a theme in the late twentieth century, various forms of “responsibility” have come to play an important role within organizations and companies. The sub-theme of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) has steadily grown in importance in communication studies. The need for a dialogue about the societal and environmental impact of communications has begun to increase along with the concern of the European and American publics about the side effects of global economic and population growth and their impact on the planet.

The big questions are about honesty and hypocrisy: to what extent are companies honest (transparent and truthful) with the public when it comes to their “greater good” actions? How much can they be? Drawing from Milton Friedman’s classic argument, is the sole responsibility of joint-stock company CEOs to their shareholders for improving financial results, or should they take the lead on societal issues as well? What is the role of communication professionals in this complex environment, where they are often walking on eggshells?

Find more information at the conference website and in the call for paper.