Elections to Academic Senate will take place in November
Elections to Academic Senate will take place in November
AS FSV UK announces electronic elections to the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University for the term of office 2023-2025 from November 29 to November 30, 2022. The elections will také place electronically and will begin on November 29, 2022, at 9:00 am and end on November 30, 2022, at 6:00 pm.
AS FSV UK has set a deadline for submission of proposals for candidates. They can be submitted between 17 October (9:00 am) and 11 November 2022 (2:30 pm) through the FSV UK mailroom (Hollar, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1), the faculty's data box, and by e-mail to the Election Commission's mailbox volby.as@fsv.cuni.cz. Candidate lists will be published no later than 7 days before the first day of the election. Candidates can send their election programs to the AS FSV UK secretary Tereza Volfová to be published on the fakulty website.
Address for sending the candidate's proposal by post:
Election Commission of the AS FSV UK
Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University
Smetanovo nábřeží 6
110 01 Praha 1
Proposals submitted after the deadline, proposals submitted in a manner other than the above-mentioned or proposals not containing all the necessary elements according to the Electoral Regulations of the AS FSV UK, Article 4 will not be registered for the elections.
There are 20 senators in the AS FSV UK, ten from the faculty staff and ten from the student chamber. Each voter will receive a voucher in his/her faculty e-mail box, which he/she will then use in the election application. Each has five votes in each chamber (faculty and student), for a total of ten votes. Details will be specified in the coming days.