EUPRERA was hosted in Prague by the Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations

EUPRERA was hosted in Prague by the Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations
The 24th EUPRERA Annual Congress took place in Prague, exploring the theme "Responsible Communication - or Communicating Responsibility?"
The European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) organized a highly regarded Annual Congress each autumn in collaboration with a selected university or college in Europe in order to explore new methods and disseminate the most up-to-date research. The 24th Annual Congress was hosted in Prague by the Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University.
With the theme "Responsible Communication - or Communicating Responsibility?", the conference not only focused on the implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), but primarily explored its ethical boundaries, comprehensibility, and effectiveness.
Strict legislation, currently applicable to large companies but soon extending to medium-sized enterprises, had led consultants to charge staggering amounts for ESG reporting. What did this mandatory data disclosure yield? The role of communication was not just to create the appearance of responsibility, but to act genuinely responsibly - a monumental challenge. The conference program approached ESG neutrally and focused on how to address this topic in a way that genuinely addressed environmental and societal issues, rather than merely creating a superficially green or friendly image.