PhD Course on Discourse Theory

PhD Course on Discourse Theory
Course coordinator and leader: prof. Nico Carpentier, Ph.D.
Dates: 23 – 27 October 2023
The deadline for the application submission is 01 July 2023; the applicants will be notified about the results by 31 July 2023.
The course aims to discuss two methods in the field of discourse studies: Discourse-theoretical analysis (DTA) and Discursive-material analysis (DMA). Both are grounded in so-called high theory, with discourse theory as its main starting point, but with elements of actor-network theory and new materialism. This course will start with an introduction to these theoretical models, but will then move on to their analytical deployment in communication and media studies research.
Special attention will be spent on the creation of a theory-grounded analytical model to guide the research. Apart from attending lectures, participants will be expected to participate in both theoretical and research-driven workshops.
The one-week course will be organised in 10 teaching slots, combining lectures and workshops. These workshops are partially theoretical (presenting an article or chapter), and partially research-driven (presenting an analytical model).
Visit the PhD Course website for more information