Unconference: Conflict, Environment, and Sustainability: Transdisciplinary Interrogations
Unconference: Conflict, Environment, and Sustainability: Transdisciplinary Interrogations
The event, originated in the shade of yet another military conflict deeply troubling the entire world, calls for a critical reflection on the often under-represented interconnections between conflict, environment, and sustainability, with a focus on the entanglements between humanitarian and environmental impacts of violent conflict, in its many faces: from military activities and war, to various indirect forms of violence affecting local communities and indigenous populations, where environment itself becomes a site for struggle.
Bringing together academicians, activists, media makers, and artists for a transdisciplinary discussion, it questions how the connections between (violent) conflict, environment, and sustainability are understood, represented, and addressed within and beyond academia, and how can media and arts be studied, and used, to document and communicate these interconnections in a way to bridge conflict transformation and environmental action.
16 May 2022, 14.00 – 16.00 (CET), Online
More information and registration on MISTRA website.