Who from ICSJ is running for the Academic Senate of FSV UK and UK?

Who from ICSJ is running for the Academic Senate of FSV UK and UK?
Two elections will take place in the period from 26 to 28 November 2024. Elections for the Academic Senate of the FSV UK for the term 2025-2027 and elections for the Academic Senate of the CU for the term 2025-2028. Both elections will be held electronically.
Academic Senate of the CU
The Academic Senate of Charles University (AS UK) is the controlling body of the Rector and approves the University's internal regulations and budget. Although it seems far removed from the Faculty, it is extremely important. Many matters cannot be resolved at the faculty level, but only at the University level.
Students elect students, lecturers elect lecturers. Check out the candidates' detailed agendas and don´t forget to vote. Who from ICSJ is running for the "Grand Senate", the Academic Senate of the Charles University?
Academic Chamber
Candidate's number | Name | Election Programme |
1. | Jakub Končelík | Programme |
3. | Alice Němcová Tejkalová | Programme |
Student Chamber
Candidate's number | Name | Election Programme |
2. | Jan Křovák | Programme |
Academic Senate of FSV UK
The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University (AS FSV UK) is a self-governing body of the Faculty, which participates in its management. It plays a key role in deciding on major issues concerning the functioning of the Faculty and defends the interests of students as well as academic and technical staff. The Academic Senate of the FSV approves, for example, the Faculty's internal regulations or budget, reviews strategic documents and concepts, or elects the Dean. It consists of elected representatives of the academic community of the Faculty, both students and academic staff.
Check out the detailed candidates' agendas and don't forget to vote. Who is running for the "small senate", i.e. for the Academic Senate of FSV UK?
Chamber of Academic Staff
Candidate's number | Name | Institute | Election Programme |
5. | Martin Štoll | ICSJ | Programme |
6. | Veronika Macková | ICSJ | Programme |
7. | Marcela Konrádová | ICSJ | Programme |
9. | Petra Koudelková | ICSJ | Programme |
10. | Ondřej Trunečka | ICSJ | Programme |
Student Chamber
Candidate's number | Name | Institute | Election Programme |
1. | Aneta Kopčanová | ICSJ | Programme |
2. | Anna Marie Čapková | ICSJ | Programme |
5. | Tereza Bartáková | ICSJ | Programme |
13. | Michael Benda | ICSJ | Programme |
17. | Markéta Prauzková | ICSJ | Programme |
Lists of all candidates for AS UK can be found here, for AS FSV UK here.