PhD Students

PhD Students

Name Disertation project name Area of further interest E-mail
Ariestya Angga Slow Fashion Movement in the Digital Realm and Its Implication to Sustainable Consumption Sustainability communication, Environmental Communication, Green PR & Marketing Communication, New Media, Audiences
Bilunov Denis History of Anti-Putin opposition: search for new narrative, new communication tools and new leadership Populism, alternative media, disinformation
Dağdelen Mazlum Kemal The Discursive Construction of Turkishness in the Children Magazines Published in the TRNC between 1974-1986 Nationalism Studies, Childhood Studies, Discourse Theory
Dokumaci Muhammet Ali Alternative Constructions of the Home    
Dube Bakidzanani The discursive constructions of Africa in African films: A reception analysis of Nollywood and South African films among audiences in Zimbabwe Media representation, Critical Discourse Analysis, Film studies, Identity, Othering, Reception Studies
Gatsi Lynn Caroline Exploring the role of Participatory development communication to address HIV and AIDS amongst Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW). A case of Mbire District, Zimbabwe. Health Communication
Gomes, Lapa Tiago EU’s far-right use of populist communication on social media    
Chakroborti Anirban Concepts of Indian National Identity and History across Indian Texts Nation Studies, Critical Discourse Analysis, Cultural History, Collective Memory, Communication,
Kass Susanne Helene Influences of emergent and changing semiotic technologies on situated environmental knowledge environmental communication, art activism, communication practices, philosophy of media, trans-/interdisciplinary communication
Koubayová Nathalie Understanding users’ responses to different framings of disclosure of customer care chatbots’ identity human-computer interaction, chatbots, online customer care, virtual agents, disclosure
Kumorowski Sandra Communication and media as strategic business tools for fine artists: Socio-economic analysis of the origins and development from renaissance to present Arts marketing & management, museum studies, art economics, art markets, art history, mass communication and media, place and space theory
Miessler Jan Media system: the concept, its scope and its limitations media sociology, East Asian media
Minanto Ali Contemporary street art in Yogyakarta, Indonesia:
Signification and struggle in the production and (re)claiming of urban space
Visual Culture, Alternative Media, Cultural Geography,, urban studies
Nielsen Daniel Value Extraction of Digital Gameplay: Audience and Producer Struggle Game Studies, Cultural Studies, Cultural Production, Fan Studies, Political Economy, Digital Labor, Platform Studies
Ravbar Barbara Refugee Crisis through Media Lenses: Intersectionality of Race, Gender and Xenophobia in Reporting on Ukrainian and Syrian Refugee Crisis gender and media, minority studies, human rights, fake news, media representation
Sukiasyan Ani Concepts of National Identity in Europe and the World by the Example of Armenians National Studies, Cultural Studies, Communication, Media, Diaspora Studies
Vuković Silvija Leadership in the 21st century – failing political leadership and decline of traditional political parties, permanent campaigning, politics, and marketing tools
(Celebrity populism in Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia)
Celebrity Populism; Popular Politics; AI, Social media and politics
Wennerström Elisabeth Articulating nature-culture. A discourse-theoretical analysis on nature-culture
orientations, articulated by environmental journalists in Sweden 2009-2024
discourse theory, affect theory, participation theory, journalism, arts and media research, the environment, performing arts, global perspectives, power struggles
Zamir Sadia The discursive construction of democracy in Pakistan: A critical discourse analysis of television
news from Pakistan and its Others
Media representation, Critical Discourse Analysis, Othering, Democracy, TV news media