Open Lecture with Vaia Doudaki

Open Lecture with Vaia Doudaki
On 22 April 2024, we will welcome Vaia Doudaki as the guest lecturer. She is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism. She is currently the guarantor of the Master of Media and Area Studies (MARS) programme.
The title of her lecture is “Discourses of legitimation in the news: The case of the economic crisis in Greece”.
Focussing on the case of the economic crisis in Greece, the lecture will address how political decisions, actors, and policies are legitimated in the news. The lecture will explain how the identified discourses and their mechanisms are used to legitimate or delegitimate the authority positions of the involved actors and of journalists themselves, and validate the hegemonic ideologies over the economic crisis and its handling.
The lecture is a part of the JKM186 Media Mondays II elective course, offered by the Master program of Media and Area Studies (MARS).
Venue: Hollar Building, H215
Time: 22 April 2024, at 18:30