Join the discussion on Democracy and Media: events for the new book Democracy and Media in Europe

Join the discussion on Democracy and Media: events for the new book Democracy and Media in Europe
We would like to inform you about the events organised on the occasion of the recent publication of the book Democracy and Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach, authored by Nico Carpentier (ICSJ FSV UK) and Jeffrey Wimmer (University of Augsburg and ICSJ FSV UK).
The book examines the complex relationship between democracy and the media, focusing on contemporary political struggles over democracy and the democratic roles of the media. Indeed, democracy is currently facing many threats: frustration caused by democracy's inability to fulfill all its promises, attempts by more authoritarian actors to (re)centralize power, lack of trust, or the rise of symbolic violence and polarization - especially in the online sphere.
The book thus offers an innovative and timely exploration of the relationship between democracy and the media, including its challenges and opportunities. You can learn more about the book here. A free version of this book can be found here.
We will update events as necessary.
Democracy and media: Reflections from around the world. A roundtable discussion
Where: Zoom
When: 22 January 2025 from 12:00 to 14:00 UTC
For whom: the webinar is open to all IAMCR members, but places are limited. Pre-registration is required by 20 January 2025, register here. If you are not a member, fill out this form to be added to the guest list.
In this webinar, four communication and media studies scholars will reflect on the intersection of democracy and media in India, Indonesia, Turkey and Brazil, using the recently published book "Democracy and Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach", authored by Nico Carpentier and Jeffrey Wimmer, as a source of inspiration. This discussion will serve as an opportunity to reflect also on how the scholarly work on democracy and media that has a Western (European) conceptual reference point, may (or may not) be relevant in other parts of the world.
More information here.
Research Talk "Democracy and media in Europe”
Where: University of Augsburg (discussion will be recorded, link will be added when available)
When: 31.1.2025 at 10:00
For whom: anyone, email for registration here
Nico Carpentier, Anne Grüne (University of Erfurt), Tanja Thomas (University of Tübingen) and Jeffrey Wimmer will discuss Nico Carpentier and Jeffrey Wimmer's new book with the audience.
More information here.
Democracy and the media at a crossroads: what are the goals and who is in charge?
Where: Tallinna Ülikool, Tallinn Hall (M218)
When: 05.02.2025 from 14:00 to 15:30
For whom: anyone, link for registration here
During the event, Tallinn University's Visiting Professor Nico Carpentier, Tallinn University's Associate Professor of Political Sociology Mari-Liis Jakobson, and University of Tartu Professor of Comparative Politics Piret Ehin will discuss the future of European democracy and the media’s role in protecting and promoting it. They will explore which political struggles over democracy are democratically acceptable and where the line is crossed into posing a genuine threat to both democracy and media.
More information here.
The preview image is an excerpt from a poster produced by the University of Augsburg. The full poster can be downloaded here.