
  • Exhibition of journalism students at the Kampus Hybernská

    We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition Eye of Perspective, which will take place on 3 November at 6 pm at the Kampus Hybernská and will present the practical graduation works of our students.

  • Golden Courses for the best courses of the Summer Semester 2021/2022

    Golden Courses for the best courses of the Summer Semester 2021/2022 according to the student evaluation were awarded. Congratulations to all recipients!  

  • Elections to Academic Senate will take place in November

    AS FSV UK announces electronic elections to the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University for the term of office 2023-2025 from November 29 to November 30, 2022. 

  • International Night 2022

    Come to an international event at Kampus Hybernská organised by the Language Centre at the Faculty of Social Sciences! You can look forward to meeting people from different countries and quizzes about these countries and the Czech Republic.

  • New Student Ombudsman

    Zuzana Jarolímková was elected as the new Student Ombudsman. Congratulations and thanks to the student association Students of ICSJ for organizing the elections!

  • Productive Leisure and Passionate Labor in Digital Gaming lecture

    We invite you to a public lecture as part of the course Live-Streaming and Content Creation in Game Culture.