Presentation of Water Beings. From Nature Worship to the Environmental Crisis

Presentation of Water Beings. From Nature Worship to the Environmental Crisis
11 October 2023, 18.30, Hollar Building, Room 215
Veronica Strang, cultural anthropologist and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, whose research explores the human relationship with water in her previous books The Meaning of Water (2004) and Water: Nature and Culture (Reaktion, 2015) will offer a talk and presentation of her latest book Water Beings. From Nature Worship to the Environmental Crisis, a ground-breaking exploration of humanity connections to the broader web of aquatic life.
Looking to the vast human history of water worship, Water Beings is a crucial study of our broken relationship with all things aquatic—and how we might mend it.
Open to environmental humanities, political ecology and environmental anthropology and anyone interested in material-symbolic aspects of human-nature relationship, the presentation by Professor Strang will be an invaluable occasion to gather and create transdisciplinary bridges needed in the current environmental crisis.