Mgr. Tereza Fousek Krobová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Tereza Fousek Krobová, Ph.D.
- Katedra mediálních studií
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ResearcherID: E-9753-2018
Scopus Author ID: 56919710500
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8437-8072
Rok vydání
- VOCHOCOVÁ, Lenka - ROSENFELDOVÁ, Jana - ZÁPOTOCKÝ, Jan - PRŮCHOVÁ HRŮZOVÁ, Andrea - FOUSEK KROBOVÁ, Tereza - PROKOP, Daniel. Na moři, za plotem, na síti. Digitální média a debata o migraci v Česku. 1. vyd vyd. Zlín: Kniha Zlin, 2021. 196 s. ISBN 978-80-7662-106-0.
Kapitoly v monografiích
- KROBOVÁ, Tereza - MORAVEC, Ondřej - ŠVELCH, Jaroslav. Dressing Commander Shepard in pink: Queer playing in a heteronormative game culture. Cyberpsychology. 2015, 9(3), nestránkováno. ISSN 1802-7962. UT-WOS link
- FOUSEK KROBOVÁ, Tereza - JANIK, Justyna - ŠVELCH, Jaroslav. Summoning Ghosts of Post-Soviet Spaces: A Comparative Study of the Horror Games Someday You'll Return and the Medium. Studies in Eastern European Cinema. 2023, 14(1), 39-52. ISSN 2040-350X. UT-WOS link
- FOUSEK KROBOVÁ, Tereza - ŠVELCH, Jan. "Never Good Enough": Player Identities, Experiences, and Coping Strategies of Women in Czech Video Game Journalism. Games and Culture. 2024, 19(4), 449-468. ISSN 1555-4120. UT-WOS link
- FOUSEK KROBOVÁ, Tereza. I WASN'T LOOKING AT HIS NICE ASS : HOW TO PLAY THE "FEMALE WAY". Topos. 2022, 2022(1), 110-124. ISSN 1815-0047.
- KROBOVÁ, Tereza - ZÁPOTOCKÝ, Jan. “I Am Not Racist, But …”: Rhetorical Fallacies in Arguments about the Refugee Crisis on Czech Facebook. Journal of Intercultural Communication. 2021, 21(2), 58-69. ISSN 1404-1634.
- ŠVELCH, Jan - KROBOVÁ, Tereza. Historicizing video game series through fan art discourses. Transformative works and cultures. 2016, 22(September 2016), nestránkováno. ISSN 1941-2258.