doc. PhDr. Denisa Hejlová, Ph.D.
doc. PhDr. Denisa Hejlová, Ph.D.

- Katedra marketingové komunikace a public relations
Telefon: +420 222 112 246
Místnost: č. H106a, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
ResearcherID: P-4955-2017
Scopus Author ID: 56426402400
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0646-399X
Rok vydání
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Public relations. 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2015. 250 s. ISBN 978-80-247-5022-4.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. Zveřejněné soukromí: utváření obrazu soukromého života politiků v médiích. 1. vyd vyd. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2012. 199 s. ISBN 978-80-7325-294-6.
- KOUDELKOVÁ, Petra - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - ZAVADILOVÁ, Tereza - KLIMEŠ, David - PIŠTORA, Aleš - ŠROBÁR, Štefan - REGRUTOVÁ, Lenka - RUSNÁK, Juraj - RONČÁKOVÁ, Terézia - PSÁROVÁ, Miroslava. Obraz katolické církve v českých a slovenských médiích v letech 2015-2018. 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2021. 115 s. ISBN 978-80-246-4753-1.
- DOLANSKÝ, Pavel - HALADA, Jan - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - KLIMEŠ, David - KOPECKÝ, Ladislav - KOUDELKOVÁ, Petra - KUBÁČEK, Jan - POSTLER, Milan. Marketingová komunikace a public relations : výklad pojmů a teorie oboru. 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2015. 118 s. ISBN 978-80-246-3075-5.
- ČEŇKOVÁ, Jana - DOLANSKÁ, Nora - DOLANSKÝ, Pavel - GÉLA, František - GILLÁROVÁ, Kateřina - HALADA, Jan - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - JEŽKOVÁ, Tereza - KASÍK, Pavel - KONČELÍK, Jakub - KRAUS, Jiří - LÁBOVÁ, Alena - LOKŠÍK, Martin - MACKOVÁ, Veronika - MARŠÍK, Josef - MORAVEC, Václav - NĚMCOVÁ TEJKALOVÁ, Alice - OSVALDOVÁ, Barbora - PRÁZOVÁ, Irena - SLANEC, Jaroslav - ŠIMKOVÁ, Karolína - ŠMÍD, Milan - ŠTOLL, Martin - TRUNEČKA, Ondřej - TRUNEČKOVÁ, Ludmila - TURKOVÁ, Kateřina. Slovník žurnalistiky: výklad pojmů a teorie oboru. 5. doplněné a rozšířené vydání (v Nakladatelství Karolinum druhé) vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2023. 323 s. ISBN 978-80-246-5592-5.
Kapitoly v monografiích
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. The Role and Function of Public Relations in the Czech Republic. In: OKAY, Aydemir - CARAYOL, Valérie - TENCH, Ralph. Researching the Changing Profession of Public Relations. 1st ed vyd. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2013, s. 91-109. ISBN 978-2-87574-056-4.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Transitioning from Communist Propaganda to Government Communication in the Czech Republic. In: MINIELLI, Maureen C. - LUKACOVIC, Marta N. - SAMOILENKO, Sergei - FINCH, Michael R. - UECKER, Deborrah. Communication Theory and Application in Post-Socialist Contexts. 1st ed vyd. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2022, s. 99-116. ISBN 978-1-79364-123-6.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Politický marketing Andreje Babiše: Je to kampaň. In: BALŠÍNEK, Dalibor - DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Vladimíra - GROMAN, Martin - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - HOLUB, Petr - HONZÁK, Radkin - MACHÁČEK, David - MICHOPULOS, Petros - MITROFANOV, Alexandr - MOLÁČEK, Jan - NĚMEČEK, Tomáš - PATOČKA, Jakub - PEHE, jiří - SLONKOVÁ, Sabina - ŠAFAŘÍKOVÁ, Kateřina - ŠAFR, Pavel - PERGLER, TOmáš - PŘIBÁŇ, Jiří - ŠVEHLA, Marek - VLASATÁ, Zuzana - WOLLNER, Marek. Babišistán. 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Zeď, 2021, s. 186-203. ISBN 978-80-88445-02-9.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. The Czech Republic. In: WATSON, Tom. Eastern European Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations : Other Voices. 1st ed vyd. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, s. 25-40. ISBN 978-1-137-40424-4.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - KOUDELKOVÁ, Petra - JEŽKOVÁ, Tereza - SCHNEIDEROVÁ, Soňa - KLABÍKOVÁ RÁBOVÁ, Tereza - KONRÁDOVÁ, Marcela. Crisis Communication Challenges in Czech Pandemic Education: Recommendations for Strategic Communication in the Public Sector. In: EINWILLER, SABINE - SEIFFERT-BROCKMANN, JENS - ROMENTI, STEFANIA - VALENTINI, CHIARA. COMMUNICATION IN UNCERTAIN TIMES: HOW ORGANIZATIONS DEAL WITH ISSUES, RISKS AND CRISES. 1st edition vyd. Leeds: Emerald, 2024, s. 109-125. ISBN 978-1-83549-593-3.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Women's Leadership in the Public Relations Profession. In: TOPIĆ, Martina. Towards a New Understanding of Masculine Habitus and Women and Leadership in Public Relations. 1st ed vyd. Oxon, New York: Routledge, 2023, s. 149-166. ISBN 978-0-367-75239-2.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Women's leadership in the public relations profession: Attitudes, opinions and communication styles. In: TOPIĆ, Martina. Towards a New Understanding of Masculine Habitus and Women and Leadership in Public Relations. 1 vyd. London: Routledge, 2022, s. 149-166. ISBN 978-1-00-070719-9.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - KLIMEŠ, David. Propaganda in 1980s Czechoslovakia: Life in a Ritualised Lie. In: SOMERVILLE, Ian - HARGIE, Owen - TAYLOR, Maureen - TOLEDANO, Margalit. International public relations : perspectives from deeply divided societies. 1st ed vyd. London: Routledge, 2017, s. 173-197. ISBN 978-1-138-86013-1.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Tobacco Industry Lobbying. In: HARRIS, Phil - BITONTI, Alberto - FLEISHER, Craig S. - BINDERKRANTZ, Anne Skorkjær. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. 1st ed vyd. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 2022, s. 1358-1361. ISBN 978-3-030-44555-3.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. The Changing Role of Communication in Organizational Management. Economics and Management. 2013, Neuveden(87), 15-19. ISSN 1998-1627.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa - MATUŠKOVÁ, Anna. Public Affairs v České republice: Současný stav oboru. Politologický časopis. 2013, 20(4), 469-482. ISSN 1211-3247.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa - ORBAN, Karol. Is there a Leadership Crisis? CEO Positioning and Communication in Relations to Reputation Management. Economics and Management. 2013, 8(11), 29-33. ISSN 1998-1627.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa - MATUŠKOVÁ, Anna. Public affairs in the Czech Republic: an exploratory study of the current situation. Journal of Public Affairs. 2014, 14(1), 54-66. ISSN 1472-3891.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. Mediální trénink ve lhaní. EURO. 2010, Neuveden(13), 88-88. ISSN 1212-3129.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Public Perception of Climate Change Issues : Detecting Potential Reputational Risks. Czech Journal of Social Sciences, Business and Economics. 2014, 3(2), 6-14. ISSN 1805-6830.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - SCHNEIDEROVÁ, Soňa - KLABÍKOVÁ RÁBOVÁ, Tereza - KULHÁNEK, Adam. Analysis of Presumed IQOS Influencer Marketing on Instagram in the Czech Republic in 2018-2019. Adiktologie. 2019, 19(1), 7-15. ISSN 1213-3841.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. The Growth of Anti-Corruption Attitudes in Czech Marketing Communication and PR: Anti-corruption Fight as Marketing Tool. Central European Business Review. 2013, 2(1), 15-20. ISSN 1805-4854.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. Nissan: Vyprávějme korporátní příběhy. Strategie. 2011, 18(11), 28-29. ISSN 1210-3756.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. Druhá katastrofa po tsunami : Japonská ne-komunikace. Strategie. 2011, 18(9), 16-17. ISSN 1210-3756.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. "Fake product? Why not!" Attitudes toward the consumption of counterfeit goods in CEE as shown on the example of Slovakia. Central European Business Review. 2012, 1(2), 23-28. ISSN 1805-4854.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. Mediální obraz soukromí v politické komunikaci v České republice. Sborník Národního muzea v Praze. Řada C, Literární historie (Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae. Series C, Historia Litterarum.). 2010, 55(3-4), 77-80. ISSN 0036-5351.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. CEO and Businesses are Losing Trust: Comparison of EU, USA, Czech and Slovak Republic. Central European Business Review. 2012, 1(1), 7-13. ISSN 1805-4854.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - KLIMEŠ, David. Propaganda stories in Czechoslovakia in the late 1980s: Believe it or not?. Public Relations Review. 2019, 45(2), 217-226. ISSN 0363-8111. UT-WOS link
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - SCHNEIDEROVÁ, Soňa - KLABÍKOVÁ RÁBOVÁ, Tereza - KULHÁNEK, Adam. "Užívání necigaret není bez rizika" aneb Diskurz o zahřívaných tabákových produktech v médiích. Naše řeč. 2021, 104(3), 167-183. ISSN 0027-8203.
- KULHÁNEK, Adam - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - SLÍŽ, M. - BAPTISTOVÁ, Adéla. Analysis of Tobacco Industry Marketing and Media Communication in Response to the Menthol Cigarette Ban in the Czech Republic in 2020. Adiktologie. 2021, 21(2), 75-83. ISSN 1213-3841.
- KULHÁNEK, Adam - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Světový den bez tabáku letos upozorní na manipulativní strategie tabákového průmyslu. Adiktologie v preventivní a léčebné praxi. 2020, 3(2), 120-120. ISSN 2570-8120.
- ORTOVÁ, Nina - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - WEISS, David. Creation of a Code of Ethics for Influencer Marketing: The Case of the Czech Republic. Journal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality. 2023, 38(2), 65-79. ISSN 2373-6992. UT-WOS link
- STRIELKOWSKI, Wadim - KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. Mystery and thriller tourism in European cultural destinations. Tourismos. 2014, 9(1), 293-306. ISSN 1790-8418.
- KOUDELKOVÁ, Petra - STRIELKOWSKI, Wadim - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Corruption and System Change in the Czech Republic: Firm-level Evidence. Danube. 2015, 6(1), 25-46. ISSN 1804-6746.
- ILLÉSOVÁ, Linda - KULHÁNEK, Adam - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. "It Looks Like an Accessory": Perception of Heated Tobacco Products and its Marketing Communication among Generation Z. Adiktologie. 2023, 23(2), 137-144. ISSN 1213-3841.
Příspěvky v konferenčních sbornících
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. Anti-Corruption Rhetoric as a New Trend in Czech Marketing Communication and Social Responsibility. In: PAJTINKOVÁ BARTÁKOVÁ, Gabriela - KOUDELKA, Jan. Current challenges of marketing and their application in practice: scientific articles 1st ed vyd. Bratislava: Ekonóm, 2013, s. 47-53. ISBN 978-80-225-3632-5.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. Je znalost marketingových strategií vydavatelství populárního čtiva nezbytnou součástí všeobecné mediální gramotnosti?. In: JIRÁK, Jan - WOLÁK, Radim. Mediální gramotnost : nový rozměr vzdělávání 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Radioservis, 2007, s. 86-94. ISBN 978-80-86212-58-6.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. "Family Picture". Interaction of political PR and media in portraying private issues of Czech politicians. In: DE BLASIO, Emiliana - HIBBERT, Matthew - SORICE, Michele. Leadership and new trends in political communication: selected papers 1st ed vyd. Rome: Centre for Media and Communication Studies Massimo Baldini, 2011, s. 171-183. ISBN 978-88-6536-008-8.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa - KŘEŠNIČKA, Tomáš. Falešná identita: Konzumování kopií značkového zboží a jeho role ve formování životního stylu. Aktuální výzvy marketingu a jejich uplatnění v praxi 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012, s. 156-165. ISBN 978-80-7431-090-4.
- KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. Transformace mediálního systému: romantizace mediálních obsahů a komodifikace lásky v mediálních obsazích. In: JIRÁK, Jan - KÖPPLOVÁ, Barbara - KASL KOLLMANNOVÁ, Denisa. Média dvacet let poté = Media twenty years after 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Portál, 2009, s. 134-148. ISBN 978-80-7367-446-5.
- HEJLOVÁ, Denisa - JEŽKOVÁ, Tereza - KLABÍKOVÁ RÁBOVÁ, Tereza - KONRÁDOVÁ, Marcela - KOUDELKOVÁ, Petra - SCHNEIDEROVÁ, Soňa. Engaging Teachers through Effective Communication : Restarting the Government Communication in Education. In: VERČIČ, Dejan - TKALAC, Ana - SRIRAMESH, Krishnamurthy. Reboot: Should Organizations Rediscover Communication with Internal & External Stakeholders? Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, 2022, s. 193-203. ISBN 978-961-295-034-7.
- SOUKENÍK, Štěpán - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Using Online Activism and Digital Media to Change Local Policital Environment : a case study of Žít Brno. In: ČÁBYOVÁ, Ľudmila - PETRANOVÁ, Dana. Marketing Identity: Digital Life - part I Trnava: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2015, s. 314-330. ISBN 978-80-8105-779-3. UT-WOS link
- KOUDELKOVÁ, Petra - HEJLOVÁ, Denisa. Forms of Corruption Behaviour at Firm-Level Evidence in the Czech Republic. In: KOLOUCHOVÁ, Daniela. Current challenges of marketing and their application in practice : Scientific articles from the international conference 1st ed vyd. Zlín: Radim Bačuvčík - VeRBuM, 2014, s. 24-33. ISBN 978-80-87500-55-2.
Courses taught at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences (see the online reservation system for students), History and Theory of Public Relations, Criticism of Marketing Communication, Fashion Marketing (in cooperation with the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague)
Public relations: vývoj, trendy, specifika
Public affairs: teorie a přístupy, současný stav
Vládní komunikace
Strategická komunikace
Marketingová komunikace firem z pohledu ochrany spotřebitele (zejména dětí a mladistvých)
Marketing a komunikace módních značek
Etika marketingové komunikace (vývoj a proměny v této oblasti)
Operační program Věda, výzkum, vzdělávání. 076 (Inovace v pedagogice). Výzkum komunikace MŠMT a přímo řízených organizací ve vztahu k různým skupinám stakeholderů. 1. 4. 2020 – 1. 1. 2022 (Hlavní řešitelka)
Japan Foundation, grant Fellowship for Intellectual Exchange: Výzkum komunikace japonských firem a institucí, červenec - září 2011 (afilace u Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, FCCJ)
Fulbright Scholarship Program, grant Masaryk-Fulbright, Komparace amerického a českého přístupu k public relations a public affairs, srpen - prosinec 2014 (Columbia University in New York, School of International and Public Affairs)
Prvouk P17 (02-03/2013) - výzkum vládní komunikace
Public relations, public affairs, government communication, marketing communication
Research Proposal for 4EU+
Proposed by the Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations, Charles University Prague
Contact person: Denisa Hejlova,
Research Proposal 1: Environmental Communication in Fashion: Green Marketing or Greenwashing?
Keywords: fashion marketing, environmental communication, stakeholder approach, consumer attitudes, Gen Z
Fashion industry ranks among most polluting industry in the world, following oil industry. Recently, many fashion brands included sustainability and environmental issues in their communication and actions and this issue is widely reported also in academic literature (Köcksal, Strähle, Müller and Freise, 2017; Yang, Song and Tong, 2017; Garcia-Torres, Rey-Garcia and Albareda-Vivo, 2017; Resta, Gaiardelli, Pinto and Dotti, 2016). Sustainability is a great challenge for improving fashion industry (Jung and Jin, 2014). Some fashion brands are also trying to affect the consumer behavior towards more ethical and environmently-friendly consumption, such as slow-fashion or recycling (Fletcher, 2010; Boström and Micheletti, 2016). But from the standpoint of strategic communication of fashion brands, which derive their success of continuous economic growth – is it merely just to do the talking, or does it really change the behavior of consumers (Norum, 2017; Luchs and Miller, 2017)? What effect does stressing the environmental issues in communication of fashion brands have on the consumers? Can communicating slow fashion really lead towards system change, as proposed by Fletcher in 2010 (Fletcher, 2010), or is it an oxymoron (Clark, 2008)?
It is not only the fashion brands talking about environment, but also stakeholders play an important role in the dialogue between fashion brands and its consumers. Recently, more consumers demand “brands with purpose”, that communicate its social responsibility, includes societal, political or environmental issues (Montgomery, 2019). Our aim is to explore the attitudes towards the fashion consumption with regard to environmental issues among Generation Z consumers – the young generation, which behavior patterns will strongly influence the global environmental development in the future.
Our goal: to set up a cross-national study of Gen Z attitudes towards fashion marketing, or cross-national study of marketing communication of fashion brands, which tackles environmental issues
Reasearch Proposal 2: Marketing Communication and Consumer Attitudes of Heated Tobacco Products and Other New Nicotine Product
Keywords: Heated tobacco products; marketing strategies; public health concern; legitimisation; tobacco initiation, public health
Heated tobacco products (also reffered to as heat-not-burn products) have been developed by the tobacco industry and now are available in more than 30 countries, including Japan, Korea, U.S.A. and EU. There are three products currently available: IQOS by Philip Morris International, Glo by British American Tobacco, and Ploom by Japan Tobacco International. Not all products are available on all markets. World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a statement that tobacco companies use non-traditional marketing and product distribution, including “social marketing techniques involving the development of community activators and brand ambassadors, who promote HTPs through various channels” (WHO, 2018, p. 18). In most recent statement, WHO warned that „the marketing of HTPs is one of the biggest challenges to tobacco control efforts“ (WHO, 2019, p. 53). “Given the marketing strategies of the big tobacco companies, the world-wide market share of nicotine-containing products accounted for by HTPs is likely to grow, increasing the potential for public health concern.“ (Tabuchi, 2019). Our team has contributed to the WHO 2019 report about social media and other new forms of marketing in the Czech Republic and to the WHO policy brief.
Our goal: to set up a cross-national study of marketing communication and consumer perspectives on addictive products, namely “new” nicotine or tobacco products, such as Juul, IQOS, Glo etc.
See our publication:
Research Proposal 3: Influencer Marketing and its Ethical Limits
Keywords: influencer marketing, stealth advertising, covert advertising, ethical codes
Recently, influencer marketing has become a growing and indispensable part of the marketing and advertising budgets. However, based on our previous research, a large part of this advertising is not disclosed by the influencers as advertising (covert advertising). Also, based on our research, children (8- 10 y.o.) can not tell whether the content is advertisement or organic content by the influencer.
Our goal: We are looking for cross-national study on influencer marketing, its ethical limits and forms of disclosure (paid partnership etc.).
Public relations: development, trends, specifics Public affairs: theory and practice Government Communication Strategic communication Tobacco advertising Advertising and Public Relations Ethics