Přihlášky do mezinárodního kurzu 4EU+: Biodiversity, sustainability in the agro-food system

Přihlášky do mezinárodního kurzu 4EU+: Biodiversity, sustainability in the agro-food system
Studenti bakalářských specializací se mohou do 15. dubna hlásit do mezinárodního kurzu v rámci aliance 4EU+. Jeho součástí je pobyt na vybrané zahraniční univerzitě.
Call for participation 4EU+ MICROBS
«Biodiversity, sustainability in the agro-food system» - 4EU+ Microcredentials
The project aims to set up a dynamic and multidisciplinary new curriculum that will offer specific micro-credentials to students in each university partner. The topics addressed will be biodiversity and sustainability of the food systems and their implication in the society. The biodiversity of crops, animals, pests, microbes etc. that contribute to food production, is a valuable component in the global push towards circular & sustainable — more efficient, resilient and less wasteful — agro-food- farming systems.
The course is organized into three main blocks:
- Teaching (April – May 2022) – 30 hrs, blended course
- Practical lab (May-June 2022) – 35 hrs, in one of the partner universities
- Tutored project/Team work (July 2022) – 2 weeks, research-oriented activities
The project is also organized into 3 pillars:
- Biodiversity, Sustainability & Resource-saving
- Innovative solutions and mitigation strategies
- Economy and society
All seminars from all pillars will be recorded and stored in a moodle platform. Students can watch them at any time.
Timing |
April-July 2022 |
Mobility |
May-June June 2022 (for details see below) |
Venues |
Milan, Paris, Prague, Copenhagen |
Apply by |
15th April 2022 |
Who can apply?
- For the Charles University: you can apply if you are a bachelor student.
- 10 students will be selected for the Charles University.
- Credit recognition is under finalization. Four (4) credits may be registered as internship credits for provided that they attend the course and pass the exam.
How to apply?
Send your curriculum vitae and your motivation letter (1-page max) to: petra.koudelkova@fsv.cuni.cz by 13th April 2022.
Students will attend one workshop in one of the partner universities according to the following calendar:
- Paris: May 16-20, 2022
- Copenhagen: June 20-25, 2022
- Milan: will be specified
Please note: each location can welcome a maximum of 12 students. Students will be asked to indicate their 1st and 2nd choice and ranked after an evaluation of the teaching block.
Admitted students will be awarded a 4EU+ allowance for travel and accommodation expenses.