Rozpravy in English: Beyond Radio Specificity

Rozpravy in English: Beyond Radio Specificity
Srdečně vás zveme na další Rozpravy o českých medích, tentokrát v angličtině a o roli rozhlasu na současné mediální scéně. Proběhnou 26. listopadu od 17 hodin online. Více informací hledejte také na Facebooku.
What are we actually talking about when we talk about radio? In which ways is it being produced, broadcasted, and listened to? What role does it have for diverse individuals, groups, or communities (for example children, prisoners, people with serious psychological difficulties, ecological enthusiasts)? What do they expect to experience while listening to the radio? And what challenge is this for the broadcasters?
We have invited:
KATHRYN MCDONALD, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Media & Communication, Bournemouth University
OLGA GHEORGHIEV, Researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
EDITA KUDLÁČOVÁ, Chief Creative Producer, Creative HUB, Czech Radio
ALEXANDRA STŘELCOVÁ, Co-founder of the Haenke initiative, Co-host of the Phytophilia podcast and a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Economics in Prague.