Pozvánka na program návštěvy prof. Bainese

Pozvánka na program návštěvy prof. Bainese
(Read the English version here)
Zveme vás na Hollar na přednášky prof. Bainese, odborníka na politickou komunikaci a marketing z Velké Británie, který přicestuje v rámci programu Erasmus+. Profesor Paul Baines je jedním z předních akademiků a autorů na světové úrovni, působí na University of Leicester. Tématem přednášek a diskusí budou nyní aktuální otázky etiky v politickém marketingu, ruské propagandy na Ukrajině nebo politické komunikace UK ovlivněné událostmi v královské rodině.
Program proběhne v angličtině, nutná rezervace každé události zvlášť.
Reservation needed - please email RSVP date/time of lecture individually
Tuesday Feb 21
15.30 - 16.50 | HarryGate and its influence on perception of Great Britain and Royal Family in the context of political communication - Hollar 112, open access to students, limited capacity - please RSVP to hejlova@fsv.cuni.cz
Wednesday Feb 22
12.30 - 13.50 | The difference between classic and political marketing: political marketing is not political communication - Hollar 215, open access to students, limited capacity - please RSVP to koterova@fsv.cuni.cz
14:00 - 15:30 | Russian propaganda in Ukraine - Hollar 112, open access to students, limited capacity - please RSVP to koterova@fsv.cuni.cz
17:00 | Ethics in political marketing - Round table with professionals from practice, in cooperation with Art Directors´ Club, Association of Communication Agencies and Association of Public Relations - Hollar 212, limited capacity - please RSVP to koterova@fsv.cuni.cz
Panel speakers:
Paul Baines, Expert on political marketing, University of Leicester, Great Britain
Petra Jankovičová, President of the Association of Communication Agencies
Radouan Hadj Moussa, Creative strategy and political marketing expert, Czech Republic
Martin Charvát, Creative director and idea maker, Czech Republic
Vladimír Bystrov, Public relations professional, Head of Ethics Committee at APRA, Czech Republic
Panel Chair:
Denisa Hejlová, Dept. of Marketing Communication and Public Relations
Thursday Feb 23
17.00 - 18:30 | Propaganda and political communication in the Russian War in Ukraine - Hollar 212, limited capacity - please RSVP to koterova@fsv.cuni.cz
Friday Feb 24
10:30 - 12:00 | Ph.D. colloquium - individual consultations for communication and political science students - Hollar 212, limited capacity - please RSVP to victoria.nainova@fsv.cuni.cz