Online kulatý stůl: 15 let teoretické analýzy diskurzu

Online kulatý stůl: 15 let teoretické analýzy diskurzu
In December 2007, the article “Bringing discourse theory into Media Studies” was published in the Journal of Language and Politics. Written by Nico Carpentier and Benjamin De Cleen, this article set out to add a methodological-analytical component to Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory, complementing their seminal theoretical work with a series of empirical procedures grounded in the long tradition of qualitative research. Moreover, as discourse theory was still very much embedded in political philosophy, this article was one of the calls to open up the disciplinary walls, move beyond political studies and mobilize discourse theory in a multitude of academic disciplines and fields (and beyond).
To celebrate this anniversary, we are organizing a discussion roundtable on 9 December 2022, not (just) to raise our glasses to what has (hopefully) been a helpful text, but, more importantly, to reflect on the inter/transdisciplinarity of discourse theory, the (usefulness of the) reconciliation of high theory and empirical research, the charms of the diversity of discourse-analytical approaches and the need to further strengthen the field of discourse studies.
- 9 December 2022
- 11:00-12:30 CET
- The event will take place online. The participation link will be shared with the audience before the event.
- Registration: The event is free of charge, but pre-registration is required by 1 December. Please send an email to Mazlum Kemal Dagdelen to register to the event.
- More information.
The roundtable will consist of an introduction by Nico Carpentier and Benjamin De Cleen, followed by the short statements of 8 invited speakers and a moderated discussion. As the roundtable will be live on zoom (or similar), there will also be an opportunity for Q&A.
Speakers are (in alphabetical order):
- Yiming Chen
- Vaia Doudaki
- Kirill Filimonov
- David Howarth
- Michal Krzyzanowski
- Nicolina Montesano Montessori
- Yiannis Mylonas
- Leen Van Brussel
We are grateful to Journal of Language and Politics, its editor Michal Krzyzanowski and John Benjamins for making our 2007 article available online for free. It is accessible here.
Co-sponsors: Culture and Communication Research Centre (CULCORC) and Centre for the Study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance (DESIRE).